Penrose [HARRY
GUARDINO], a successful, power-ful
owner of a newspaper chain, is on the deck of his cruiser when he
and his mate notice an object in the water and it appears to be a
child, bobbing amid the waves, on several planks of wood. The mate
steers the craft toward the child and Penrose dives into the water,
grabs the girl and returns to the ship. They immediately head for
shore. The one thing outstanding about her outfit is that she is
wearing a strange-looking necklace and matching, equally
foreign-looking, bracelets on both wrists. In a submarine not far
from the cruiser a man, Bleaker
is observing through a periscope. He realizes that he is the one
responsible for kidnapping this little girl from her island and that
he and he alone is the only one who can return her. |
The next day,
Diana Prince
receives a call at her office at I.A.D.C. headquarters in Washington
from her friend Penrose. He tells her he needs help and asks her to
fly to Los Angeles immediately. He explains that he found a little
girl in the ocean. She does not match any missing persons report and
her fingerprints and footprints have passed through a couple hundred
computers without any ruffle. She is in the hospital and is quite
ill. |
When Penrose goes to see her
in the hospital he is concerned that the little girl hasn't made any
improvement and asks the doctor to co-operate when Diana Prince
arrives that afternoon. As the doctor leaves two men exit the
elevator pushing a laundry cart. While one keeps the nurse on duty
busy the other one goes to the girl's room and places her into the
laundry cart. They leave with her just as Diana arrives. |
Diana enters her room and
finds a dummy in place or the little girl. She remembers seeing two
men in the elevator with a cart and she immediately leaves the room
and whirls into Wonder Woman. She leaps to the balcony a few stories
down and sees two men pushing a gurney ahead of them. She leaps
through the air and lands neatly between
Davis [FRED
Thompson [CHUCK
HICKS] and as Davis goes for his
gun, Wonder Woman grabs it from him before he can fire. She then
grabs Thompson and sends him somersaulting through the air. Thompson
and Davis gather themselves together and leave as quickly as
possible. Wonder Woman runs to the little girl and stares in
disbelief at her bracelets and necklace. Wonder Woman recognizes
their significance. She places her hands on the girls forehead and
she regains consciousness. Wonder Woman tells her to hurry up and
get well as they have a lot to talk about. |
Returning to her hospital
room the little girl who has now been named
ANNE HADDOCK] by Penrose, is with
Diana and they are discussing Wonder Woman. Diana tells Tina that
Wonder Woman told her about Ilandia and that the jewelry she is
wearing makes her different from other boys and girls. The jewelry
she has on lets her do things no other boys and girls can do. Diana
questions her on who kidnapped her from the island of Ilandia. As
Tina describes the man, with his eyes that shine, Diana knows that
it is Bleaker and Bleaker's henchmen who tried to take her from the
hospital. Tina also knows that Bleaker is the only one who can take
her back to her home. Penrose arrives and Diana asks him if she can
talk to him outside. Tina overhears them discussing her and how they
would like to have her jewelry analyzed and traced. Tina, anxious to
return to her home and to avoid the removal of her jewelry, escapes
from the hospital. With her special powers, she easily jumps from
the hospital window, leaps over a wall and runs to the beach.
Diana returns to Tina's room and
discovers that she's gone. Tina is depressed and stares at the ocean
praying that someone will find her and take her back to her land.
Suddenly she hears a sound behind her. It is a little lost dog and they
immediately become friends. Diana calls
Steve Trevor [LYLE WAGGONER] to ask if
IRAC has been able to trace Tina's fingerprints, but he has drawn a
blank. So Diana asks him to get IRAC to find out all he can about
Bleaker. |
Alone, hungry and tired, Tina
and the dog walk down an alley behind a restaurant looking for food. A
boy appears and grabs for Tina, telling her that he wants her to climb
through a window and open the door of a building so he can rob it. She
refuses and quickly pushes her sleeves up, revealing the two bracelets.
They glow briefly and there is a soft hum. She shoves him, grabs one of
his legs and flips him across the alley into a pile of boxes. The police
appear and take Tina and the dog into custody. Penrose claims her and
takes Tina and the dog to his home. Diana tells Tina that she'll arrange
for Wonder Woman to come and see her. She tells Penrose that Steve is
working on the case back in Washington. Bleaker's men follow Penrose's
car as he drives away. |
Back at the IADC IRAC tells
Steve about Bleaker. Steve asks him where Bleaker might be hiding, IRAC
tells he that he is rumored to have been responsible for an oil tanker
sabotage off the California coast by means of a submarine. This leads
Steve to deduce that his hideout must be near the coast and says he'll
let Diana know. |
Woman meets Tina the next day in the Penrose
garden. Wonder Woman tells Tina she knows about
Ilandia and about Tina and her powers. She
promises that she will find the man who
kidnapped her and make him take her back.
Wonder Woman:
Now what's your name? Your real name, the one given to you on Ilandia? |
Diana said you knew where I was from. |
Woman: That's right, I do. |
I want to go home. Please, take me home. |
Woman: I can't. |
Yes you can! It's where the sun sets, across the ocean, I know it is. |
Woman: Ilandia is in a world within
this world, it's in another dimension. Now there is just one doorway to
that world but I don't know where it is. |
I'll never go home? |
Woman: Oh, yes you will. Because I'm
going to find the man who kidnapped you and make him take you back. Now
as I remember from the books I've read where I come from, only very
special young people are given bracelets and a necklace like this right? |
One in every 5000.It's supposed to protect people, like the policemen
here. But that man kidnapped me just when I was learning how to use
them. |
Woman: Well, how about if we see just
how much you have learned okay? |
Okay. |
then demonstrate their powers to each other with
Wonder Woman helping Tina, teaching her how to
use her special powers. She tells her how to
create a shield around herself that can protect
her from anything and Tina suddenly feels that
she is indestructible but Wonder Woman warns her
that she is not ready to use her powers yet. As
Tina leaves to return to the house Wonder Woman
calls the dog (Tiger). The dog immediately runs
to Wonder Woman and she stares into the dog's
face. A silent "conversation" is obviously
transpiring, she tells him to take care of Tina
and if she is in trouble he must come and find
her. Wonder Woman leaves.
On her
way to the house, Tina is kidnapped by Bleaker's
two men. They drive to the beach and Davis
delivers Tina to Bleaker. In the meantime, Tiger
makes his way from Penrose's through the city to
Diana's motel. He scratches on the door and
Diana knows immediately what happened. She
whirls into Wonder Woman and follows Tiger to
the hideout. |
tries to get Bleaker to take her home but he
won't listen to her, saying that he'll soon get
rid of any thoughts she has of going home.
Wonder Woman arrives on the coast, hearing the
men locked in their stolen van. She releases
them and tells them to call the police, to tell
them to come as soon as possible. She heads
toward the cave. She enters the cave just as
Tina is fighting off the two men with Bleaker
standing near his control panel. She cuts off
the power supply to the device he was about to
use on Tina by hitting it with her tiara. She
threatens Bleaker to take Tina back to Ilandia
but he refuses. |
Woman: Dr Bleaker, I always wondered
when I'd have the displeasure of meeting you. |
She knows who we are. |
Woman: Oh I've heard of you, but you
should've stuck to sabotaging oil tankers. Kidnapping little children
isn't good for anyone's image. |
She doesn't appreciate that with such a child properly trained we shall
be untouchable. |
Woman: However you did find the doorway
to her world. Wherever it is you are going to take her back. |
She knows of dimension travel. Of course, a mythological creature come
true herself she can embrace all possibilities. |
Woman: Now Bleaker! Take her back to
Ilandia. |
Can it be that we have a worthy advisory? |
Woman: Perhaps you'd like another
demonstra-tion of my worthiness Dr Bleaker. |
She presents an obstacle that must be destroyed. |
suddenly flips a switch and an invisible shield
surrounds her. With all her strength, she jumps
upwards and breaks out of the shield. The two
men dive toward her, but Tina grabs one as he
tries to get by and she flips him to Wonder
Woman, who in turn throws him into his companion
and they both are sent sprawling. Bleaker flips
another switch and the room begins to fill with
vapor. It is poison. They all dash for the exit
except Bleaker. |
She is
about to re-enter the cave when there is an
explosion. She hears the sound of gushing,
moving water. Bleaker tricked them all and he is
in his small submarine heading out to sea. Tina
is devastated. She breaks into sobs with Wonder
Woman holding her. Wonder Woman promises her
that someday, somehow she will be able to go
home. |
He can't leave me here. |
Woman: I can't stop him. |
But I wanna go home, please make him take me home. |
Woman: You'll go home someday, I
promise you. But until then you've got to stop being so scared. |
I'm not scared. |
Woman: Yes you are. You're scared that
all the things you love and that you miss in Ilandia, your friends, your
parents, the people that you love, the people that love you, you're
scared that you're going to find all those things right here. You're
scared that when someday comes you won't know whether you really want to
go back. It might hurt a lot when that day comes. But you have to take
the chance and right now you have no choice. |
In Ilandia I had a dolphin, we played tag in the ocean all the time. |
Wonder Woman ties Bleaker's men with her
golden lasso, making them forget about Tina. |
Woman: Her life is going to be
complicated enough without people knowing who she is and where she came
from. And so gentlemen your memories are about to become a little
faulty. |
Tina believes Wonder
Woman and happily joins Penrose and Tiger as she
starts her new life in this world. |