night, in the Los Angeles business district, two men are in a truck
filled with surveillance equipment. They have their camera pointed
at a laboratory located inside the Whittaker building. They observe
the scientists as they work on their formula. They finish for the
night, having been unable to make any progress and the two men
decide that they two will call it a night. Just before they turn the
equipment off they see the janitor, Alan, enter the lab. |
The student,
Alan Akron [GARY
BURGHOFF] is working his way
through college as a janitor. He is busy cleaning a lab where just
moments before two scientists were experimenting with chemicals. He
is using a squirt bottle of cleaner, spraying the counter when
suddenly some pink liquid starts to bubble and fizz. He becomes
frightened and runs for the door, escaping just before an explosion
occurs that engulfs the room and rocks the building. A huge fire
starts. While this is going on the two men realize that something
has just been discovered in the lab and head off to report back to
their boss. |
One of the men,
COLE], reports to his superior,
Rudolph Furst
of Furst Enterprises and tells him what happened. Furst instructs
Ted to find Alan Akroy immediately. It seems he discovered a new
explosive chemical accidentally while three scientists from Hopewell
organization, Furst's enemy, couldn't come up with the formula. It
is too dangerous a chemical to be out on the open market. As a
result, Diana Prince
is sent to Los Angeles from Washington, D.C. to try to locate Alan. |
In the meantime, Alan
returns to his trailer, waters his plants and makes plans to get out
of town in a hurry. He sees the police arrive so he climbs out of
his window and makes a run for it. |
Back at the IADC Eve asks
IRAC about Alan Akroy. He says the only information that he has on
him is that he has laundry that needs to be collected from the
Cleaning Up Company. |
Diana Prince arrives in LA and
heads for the laundry. When she gets there it is Ted who meets her and
offers to show her around. He leads her to the laundry room but she is
suspicious. Pretty soon she has been surrounded by Ted and two other
men. She pulls a laundry bag open over Ted's head and pushes another man
out of the way then runs behind a machine and whirls into Wonder Woman.
She throws one man into a dryer, the other onto a metal beam and lasso's
Ted. She asks him why he was attacking Diana Prince. He tells her that
he was to get rid of her and find Alan Akroy. He is working for Rudolph
Furst Enterprises. When she has returned to her car Diana calls Steve. |
Realizing he has no money, Alan
visits his girlfriend, Meg
and asks if he can borrow $50.She agrees to hide the money in a trash
can at the airport. Meanwhile, at the IADC Steve asks IRAC about the
Hopewell and Furst companies and about Alan Akroy but IRAC is unable to
give him a profile of Alan until later. |
visits Furst but he won't admit that he was
responsible for her attack. She leaves,
disgusted by his dishonesty and is tailed by two
of his men. While thumbing his way out of town,
he is picked up by a pleasant-looking woman
named B.W.
During a conversa-tion, he realizes that she is
employed by Hopewell and is kidnapping him. He
quickly jumps from the car and starts running.
contacts Diana to tell her that Akroy is headed
to stay with a distant cousin in Bakersfield and
that he'll probably be wearing a disguise. She
heads to the airport where she watches Alan from
a distance. He calls Meg to check that she has
left the money and to ask her to water his
plants. As he's talking on the phone the garbage
man takes away the bag with the money in and
Alan chases after him. Diana intercepts him,
telling him that she wants to help him, she
knows who he is and that he can trust her, but
he manages to escape from her also. She runs
after him and whirls into Wonder Woman. |
reaches a multi-storey carpark and is still
running when suddenly Wonder Woman leaps through
the air and lands directly in his path. She
notices that he is staring at someone directly
behind her and as she turns, Wonder Woman sees
B.W. with a gun pointing at both of them. Alan
races off once again, and as B.W. raises her
gun, Wonder Woman quickly reaches out, grabs the
barrel of the gun before she can fire. Alan
ducks into a store front and standing there
waiting for him is Ted and another Furst
employee. Alan, realizing there is no way to
escape now, lets the two men escort him away.
He is
led to Furst's office. Furst tells Alan that he
wants him to recreate the fire. He did something
with some chemicals while he was cleaning that
caused the explosion and Furst wants to know
what he did. Alan refuses. Diana goes to see
Meg, to talk to her about Alan but she says she
doesn't know where he is and she doesn't care.
It seems that Alan has had several girlfriends
and Meg is fed up with him. She storms off
leaving Diana standing there with an _expression
of disbelief. |
goes to find Meg and as she approaches Meg's car
she sees that B.W. is doing something to the
engine. She whirls into Wonder Woman and sneaks
up on B.W., taking her by the wrist and with the
other hand removing the handle from each one of
B.W's car doors, then she tells B.W. to get in.
She puts up all the windows, pulls out the
electrics, removes the steering wheel, then
shuts the door, leaving B.W. unable to escape. |
Woman: Something tells me that this is
a bit of repair work that Meg Kellogg did not authorize. Now Meg would
get off work, be unable to start her car and you'd just happen to drop
by and offer her a lift. |
Yeah, but I wasn't going to hurt her, I
mean I just wanted to make sure she'd stay put once I dropped her off at
her place, without a car she... |
Wonder Woman: Right...get in... and
please, go on. |
I just wanted to make it easier for whoever has Akroy to find her. If
the kid doesn't talk, and chances are he won't, then they'll go after
her to make him talk and when they did I was going to go after them. |
Woman: Well now you're not going
anywhere. |
But you can't just leave me here like this. |
Woman: Let's look at it this way, when
the police come you can tell them exactly what you were doing over there
and when Hopewell bails you out again you'll be a free woman. And gee I
hope I don't forget to call them. Bye! |
A man
takes a syringe and injects Alan and soon he is
higher than a kite. He still refuses to give
Furst the information he requests. Furst is
thoroughly aggravated and instructs Ted to go
get his girlfriend, Meg.
In the
meantime, Diana visits Meg at Alan's trailer and
tries to warn her that she is in danger because
or Alan. As she is telling her this the trailer
is being attached to Ted's truck, the door
swings open and there stands Ted -gun in hand -
and takes the two women to Furst's office. Meg
is now scared. As Ted takes her to Furst, Diana
leans over and whispers in Meg's ear to tell
Alan to stall as long as he can. When Alan sees
Meg, he tells Furst and his men that they
grabbed the one girl he really loves and to lead
him to the lab and he will tell them anything
they want to know. |
In the
lab, with Meg being held prisoner, Alan is
recreating his actions the evening the lab blew
up. Meanwhile Diana manages to convince Ted that
the IADC has the real Alan Akroy, that the one
in the lab is a fake and that the IADC now has
the formula. He is worried by what she says so
takes her to discuss it with Furst. She manages
to knock Ted into an elevator and when the door
re-opens Wonder Woman is facing him. She pulls
the controls out of the elevator and he is
trapped on the first floor. |
Alan is
stalling and this is irritating Furst. Meg is
threatened. Suddenly the door opens and Wonder
Woman, who managed to escape from Ted and then
captures him, crashes into the room. One of the
men fires at her and she deflects the bullets
easily with her bracelets. She then ducks, leaps
sidesteps, etc., to avoid the colored beakers
thrown at her by Furst. As one of Furst's men
run for the door, she catches him, whirls him
backwards into Furst, they lie in a heap on the
floor. She then walks over to Alan, slips the
lasso around his shoulders and makes him forget
everything that happened the night he blew up
the lab. He smiles in genuine relief, as does
Meg, and the two of them are grateful to the
wonderful Wonder Woman.