[LYNDA CARTER] is driving along a dirt road in a semi-desert
State when a motorcycle pulls up at the side of her car. The driver
revs his engine, overtakes her and continues on his way. Moments
later, as Diana turns around a curve she sees the bike lying in the
road, wheels spinning and the driver appears unconscious. She slams
on the brakes and runs over to the driver. As she leans over to help
him, he pulls a gun, gets into her car and drives off, leaving her
stranded. She steps behind a tree, whirls into Wonder Woman and
pursues him, quickly overtaking the car. As she kicks the front
bumper of the car, stopping it dead, the driver,
is thrown forward and his head hits the metal frame over the
windshield. He is knocked unconscious. She then whirls back into
Diana as she hears the sound of police sirens. |
A few
minutes later, a sheriff's car appears and
Sheriff Beal
STEVENS] thanks Diana for catching Mac and insists she come back to
town and sign a statement. He questions her about her business in
the area of Burrogone. She tells him that she is on her way to the
Red Mountain Army Missile Range to meet a friend. This upsets the
sheriff, and when he gets back into his car, he radios his
assistant, Luther
[MARK WITHERS], and tells him to alert everyone in
town that he's bringing in a stranger. Diana follows him back to town
in her car. Once in town, the Sheriff tells Diana to take her car
over to the town's gas station as it is the only one for 200
miles. So she drives her car over to the gas station. She observes the
townspeople, she thinks they are acting a little suspiciously, but
can't figure out why. The Sheriff invites Diana to come and make her
statement, he takes as long as he can to write it down and check he
has it correct and Diana is growing increasingly impatient. She is
worried that she won't arrive at the missile range on time. |
Steve Trevor [LYLE
concerned that Diana has not yet
arrived leaves word at the gate for her to be given a fast escort so
that she'll be there in time for the countdown. Mac is thrown into
Jail. They place him onto the bed in the cell as he is still
unconscious. Luther is told to go and collect Mac's motorcycle from
the roadside before anyone finds it. When they leave Mac comes around
and goes over to the wall at the back of his cell. In a certain spot
several of the bricks are lose, he scrapes between them and removes a
few bricks then reaches into the hole and pulls out a bag with the
equipment he needs to complete his escape. He removes more bricks
then climbs through the hole and out of the jail. |
returns to the gas station to find that the service station guy has
torn the fuel pump out of her car. She can't go anywhere until he
fixes it. She gets back in her car, annoyed that she is now going to
be even later. She tries to turn on the radio but there is no
signal. She is approached by a guy who says that he is Just George.
asks if she'd like to buy a newspaper and after noticing that it is
out-of-date Diana says she will buy it if George will answer a few
questions. She asks him if there is a car rental service, a bus or a
taxi service and he tells her that the town has none of these
things. She asks him if there is a public telephone and he tells her
that Flo has one, but she isn't home. Diana is frustrated that she
can't even call anyone to come and pick her up. She tells George that
she has the feeling that something very strange is going on and he
makes a run for it. She runs after him and notices a metallic
reflection on the hillside. |
At the
test site an officer wears a special metal helmet, which picks up
his brain waves, which are then relayed to the missile through any
ordinary radio transmitter. The missile itself carries a computer
which translates the brain waves into directions, controlling firing
mechanisms as well as aiming systems. It is an import and test
today. The officer reports that only one of the helmets has arrived
at the base, the other has been stolen. |
Diana still trying to catch George arrives at the top of the hill and
she is suddenly being chased by two men in dune buggies. She takes cover
and whirls into Wonder Woman and goes on the counterattack, leaping over
the top of the buggies as they speed toward her. One of the dune buggies
goes out of control, and before she can catch the driver, a shriek from
[JAMES LUISI], known as the village idiot, who befriended Diana,
diverts her. A dune buggy is bearing down on George. She snatches George
to safety and the other dune buggy is driven off. Back in town, Mac, who
is hiding outside the Sheriff's office overhears the Sheriff and Luther
talking. The Sheriff says that they need to get rid of Diana and he will
get Flo to do it. |
Diana gets back and makes a visit to Flo's house to try the phone. She
asks Flo if she can make a call to the test site but there is too much
static, just like her car radio. She tells Flo that she has started to
think that someone is jamming communication in and out of Burrogone. Flo
offers her a cup of tea, putting poison into Diana's cup as she pours the
tea. Diana asks her if she knows what the town name means, Flo replies
that it doesn't mean anything. Outside the house, looking in the window,
is Mac. He is signaling her not to drink the tea, so she knocks it over
and runs out of the house when Flo goes to fetch a towel to clean it up.
She looks around to see where Mac has gone and here's a whisper a little
way away, following it's directions she finds Mac. |
She queries Mac on his behavior. He tells her that he-grew up on
Burrogone, left for college and came back to town to visit his uncle,
the sheriff. Sheriff Beal is an imposter as is everyone in town. Mac
then shows her a poster he found by the railroad tracks. It reads,
'Free! Weekend in Las Vegas for Entire Population of Burrogone!' Diana
immediately knows it is a plan to steal the Army missile.
• Mac:
Pssst, lady, listen...I don't know what your name is but you have to trust
me. |
• Diana
Prince: Trust
you, I can't even see you! And if you are who I think you
are you pulled a gun on me and if it hadn't been for Wonder Woman you
would've stolen my car. |
• Mac: Well
listen, I
understand that you travel in the best of company but I still thought
you were one of them. Lady, you've gotta trust me. I heard them plan it
with Flo for her to kill you. Okay you don't believe me? Go inside and
have a cup of tea. |
• Diana
Prince: Okay,
okay, where do we talk? |
• Mac: Turn to
your right, there's a freight depot. |
He grabs Diana's
arm, making her jump. |
• Mac: I'm
sorry, I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure you weren't being followed okay. |
• Diana: Who are you? |
• Mac:
Mac. Mac McDonald. |
• Diana: Okay? |
• Mac: One time citizen
of Burrogone. But I'm a for real citizen. |
• Diana:
They put you in the jail. How did you get out, Mac McDonald? |
• Mac: My uncle's the
sheriff of this town. When I was 13 years old Jail Break Willy taught me
how to bust out of jail. Hey listen, I was just passing through town, I
figured I'd come and say hello to Uncle Bert. I get into town and
nobody, I mean nobody is who they're supposed to be, especially Uncle
Bert. |
• Diana Prince: Well if
Flo or Ernie are any indication I'd say they're all imposters. Am I
right? |
• Mac: Every last one of
them. I wanna show you something. |
He takes out a poster.
"Free weekend in Las Vegas for entire population of Burrogone.
13th,14th and 15th." Today's the 14th right? |
• Diana Prince: That's
right. |
• Mac: There's nobody in
town. |
• Diana Prince:
Alright. But we still don't know who these people are or what they're up
to. |
• Mac:
No. except the only
obvious thing they've done is they've got a portable generator and
they've put it inside the barn at the end of town. |
• Diana: Yes I've seen
that building. Okay then it's your turn to trust me okay? |
• Mac: Okay. |
• Diana Prince: I think
it's part of a plan to steal an army missile being tested in about an
hour from the Red Mountain Missile Range. |
• Mac: What's our next
move? |
• Diana Prince: Well your
next move is to do whatever you have to get out of town. Go to Captain
Hal Shafer at the Red Mountain test area and tell him to abort the
Athena flight. |
• Mac: What about
you? Are
you going to be okay? |
• Diana
Prince: Well I'm going to do everything I can to put that generator out
of commission. Go on and be careful. |
Back at the IADC Steve shows the head of the
project photographs of people who have left or
been taken off the Athena project and therefore
might be responsible for the theft of the
helmet. The man doesn't recognize any of the
faces in the photographs. |
Diana whirls into Wonder Woman and heads for the
town's generator. She whirls into Wonder Woman
and leaps through the barn door. Two men open
fire on her. She deflects the bullets when
suddenly a voice yells for everyone to knock it
off. She sees Sheriff Beal with an arm around
George's neck. He tells Wonder Woman to give up
or he will kill George. She asks why she can't
just leave and leaps up onto one of the beams
above. After swinging around several beams she
leaps down and knocks the Sheriff off his
feet. George begins to hit the Sheriff and when
Wonder Woman leans over to try to stop him he
fires a cloud of toxic gas into her face. She
slumps to the floor and is immediately
unconscious. She is taken to the jail and chained
to the cell floor. |
At the test site, the missile is launched,
approaches the target and then the controller
starts "thinking" it back to the launch pad. It
is not responding. Someone nearby with a
powerful transmitter is taking the missile away
from them. Mac arrives with the message from
Diana, to abort the mission, but he is too late.
The missile is heading for Burrogone. It is
George who is wearing the helmet controlling the
missile. As the missile lands in Burrogone, Beal
and all the other "townspeople" drink champagne
to celebrate, all except George. Suddenly, they
all realize they have been drugged. George plans
to build other helmets and to make airlines and
the military pay to protect their planes from
thought controlled missiles. He puts on the
helmet and heads for his bike. |
Wonder Woman regains consciousness and realizes what has happened. She
breaks free from the chains, then out of the cell and after checking the
people are still alive she heads outside. She hears the sound of
George's bike and whirls into Wonder Woman cycle costume. She leaps onto
a motorcycle and takes off after him. He is riding along the highway,
wearing the helmet, the rocket following him. He suddenly sees Wonder
Woman behind him, the M.P.'s are also trying to catch him. He does a
U-turn and wills the rocket toward Wonder Woman. As the rocket heads
toward her, Wonder Woman and the cycle jump over the rocket. She
continues the chase and they face off against each other, heading
straight towards Wonder Woman George loses control and falls from the
bike, then tries to escape on foot but Wonder Woman easily catches up to
him and takes the helmet from him. |
George is taken away by the military police as
are the fake "townies." Steve explains to Diana
by phone that George is not the village idiot at
all, but a scientist named Dr Wonderly who was
fired off the project for playing footsies with
a foreign government. Diana is very pleased for
now Burrogone can return to the small, happy
town that it was before its residents all left
for Las Vegas. |
• Diana
Prince: Hal.
You know I should've known these people weren't the real
residents of Burrogone when old Flo gave it away. She didn't know what
the name meant. |
• Hal:
Burrogone? What does it mean? |
• Diana
Prince: Why don't you tell him Mac? |
• Mac: I'll
tell you what, I'll tell him the story if you promise to have lunch with
me tomorrow. |
• Diana
Prince: Okay. |
• Mac: The
story goes that there was this old prospector and he came into town and
he met these Indians and he taught them how to play poker. Only he taught
them so well that he lost everything he owned, except his mule. So he
takes his mule and puts it in the last pot. |
• Hal: And? |
• Mac: That's
what Burrogone means! This is the town that he lost his jackass in! |