a Computer's Company presentation, a strange man in disguise steals
the main memory bank of the super computer which is currently making
the presentation. The IADC is informed and
Steve Trevor
and Diana Prince
CARTER] arrive at the company to
investigate the theft. Steve shows Diana a list of the reported
robberies. |
Prince: I didn't know it was possible
to rob a computer. |
Trevor: Yeah, no-one did. But
apparently someone found a way to cipher information in electrical form
right out of the memory banks. |
Prince: Meaning that that same person
can feed the electricity back into some other unit. |
Trevor: Yeah and have access to the
original programming. |
Prince: And this genius can probably
add phony information into programmes without removing them. |
Trevor: Yeah, I'm afraid computer fraud
is the least of our worries. Here's a list of all the computer designs
stored on the Everite system. |
Prince: The thief has got access to all
the computers? |
Trevor: These will probably be our next
robbery victims, in fact the phone company's already reported a theft.
Take a look. |
Prince: Potomac Gas & Electric, Equinox
Insurance, Internal Retrieval Associate of Computers. Steve? |
Trevor: Our very own. |
Prince: IRAC? |
Trevor: Right. |
Prince: Oh that's great. That's just
great! |
Meanwhile the disguised man gets back to
who reproaches him because he forgot to take the
warning device with him and used such a poor
disguise. |
Back at
the IADC, Diana is surprised by a mobile
computer module. Diana consults IRAC about which
one could be the next possible robberies, and
IRAC answers it could be the Potomac Electric
Company and warns her that IRAC will be the
following one, telling Diana that it would be
convenient that Wonder Woman intervene. When she
leaves Rover enters and IRAC begins to program
him. |
Diana goes to the Potomac
company and once in there she notices the presence of the disguised man,
she quickly whirls into Wonder Woman and pursues him. He presses the
warning device. She captures him with her lasso and is just about to
interrogate him when an alarm starts which makes one of the workers fall
down and as Wonder Woman runs to catch him, the disguised man escapes.
Back at
Havitol's hideout he is disappointed by the
failure of his plan to steal the Potomac Gas &
Electric company's computer, he decides that he
must be the one who will steal IRAC to avoid any
further mistakes. He watches a film of Dr
Hinklie Bernard's speech at the Airforce Academy
Banquet and begins to mimic Bernard's speech
pattern. He plans to infiltrate the IADC
disguised as Dr Bernard. |
In the
IADC Diana consults IRAC again and gives him a
description of the suspect, but no useful data
is found in his memory bank.
Prince: You were right about the
Potomac Gas & Electric Company. There was an attempt on their computer. |
Did you doubt the reliability of my previous warning? |
Prince: Never. Thanks to you we were
able to stop him. |
Then you captured the person responsible for the robberies? |
Prince: Afraid not, he got away. |
News of his escape is disappointing. His next victim will be... me. |
Prince: We're as disappointed as you
are, believe me. |
I contain much information of a highly secret nature as you well know
Diana Prince. |
Prince: I'm well aware of that Ira.
Would it help if I gave you a description of him? |
Perhaps, please do so. |
Prince: Okay, he was tall, about six
three, two hundred pounds, curly blonde hair, blue eyes, he tried to
disguise himself with a moustache and dark sunglasses. How's that? |
Were any peculiarities in his speech pattern noted? |
Prince: Sorry the opportunity for idle
chatter never arose. |
The description matches no-one in my memory banks that would have any
logical significance in this case. |
Prince: Well have you any suggestions? |
Your only recourse is to check police mug files and attempt to identify
the criminal visually. |
Prince: I was afraid of that. As usual
you are a fund of information. |
Please see to it that my funds are not withdrawn Diana Prince. |
Prince: We're trying IRAC, we really
are. |
goes to the Police Department to search for
information on her suspect but when she arrives
and is shown to the computer room paper is
flying everywhere and it has turned into a
complete mess. She realizes that someone
obviously got there before her and messed up the
computer so that she would be unable to identify
the thief. |
the IADC an old man enters, gives his name and
is fingerprinted. Steve appears and welcomes Dr.
Bernard (Havitol in disguise) and pulls him away
from the area in which he was to wait word on
the scanner's analysis. Once inside Steve's
office and as Steve turns back to answer the
phone, Dr. Bernard leaves and rushes to the
basement utility room. The call that Steve took
was to inform him that Dr. Bernard is an
imposter, his fingerprints did not match. Once
inside the room, "Dr. Bernard" tears off the wig
and glasses and begins to remove IRAC's data.
Elsewhere a fire alarm goes off, smoke is coming
from a room in the north wing of the building. |
alerts the guards and Diana runs towards her
office where she whirls into Wonder Woman. She
goes to the air-conditioning vent, tears the
grid work off, then climbs in feet first. She
slides down the metal chute and lands in the
utility room, quickly goes to the air
conditioning unit and removes the smoke bomb,
which she then crushes. |
Wonder Woman realizes that someone caused this
diversion and after changing back to Diana
Prince she runs to the IRAC room. Steve rushes
to the console, pushes several buttons and only
hears a hum. They are too late. IRAC is gone.
Returning to his hideout,
Havltol tells IRAC to retrieve all the data he has stored pertaining to
communication satellites. He tells IRAC that he wishes to control the
United States and in the future, the world. He also requests IRAC to
tell him everything he knows about Diana Prince since he wants to get
rid of her as she will be the agent assigned to find him. |
Back at the IADC Rover tries
to get Diana's attention but she closes the door on him. One of
Havitol's men picks him up and places him in the store room. He then
removes an identical Rover from his cleaning cart. He opens Diana's door
so that the module can enter then escapes with his accomplice. Diana
doesn't realize that it isn't the real Rover. The real Rover escapes
when someone opens the storage room door. As Diana opens her office door
to let the fake Rover out the real Rover comes into the room. She looks
confused then notices the bomb on the fake Rover and spins into Wonder
Woman. She quickly winds her lasso around the bomb and places it on the
floor. The lasso absorbs the explosion. |
A little while later Steve
calls Diana into his office. He tells her that he has a lead on the fake
Rover that showed up in her office. Its key component was ordered from a
company in Maryland by a man named William Havitol. He was, until five
years ago, a leading authority in the field of computer science
worldwide, when he disappeared without a trace. There is no location or
address available but Diana is determined to find him somehow. She heads
to her car and when she reaches it and opens the door she is surprised
to find Rover sitting on the passenger seat. |
Through squeaks, Diana gets
answers to come of her questions and suddenly the little machine is
making a slow beeping noise. Diana realizes it is a homing device and
that IRAC programmed the little rover to get her if he was stolen.
They head North and end up at
a deserted farm building. She takes rover out of the car and places him
onto the ground then starts walking toward the building. Their progress
is halted abruptly when Havitol's men jump out from behind the building.
She picks Rover up and the men lead her inside. |
Diana Prince and Hinkie
Havitol meet face-to-face. Havitol tells her he has access to every
computer in the world -can book himself on planes, advance cash at any
bank, get credit at any store and now he wants power. Havitol wants
total control of the world. As he is telling Diana this, he puts his
hand on the little rover and the rover glows and emits a sharp jolt of
electricity. Havitol is enraged and yells to his two strong men to get
rid of the two of them. She tells him that more IADC agents are on their
way so he tells his men to load the storage devices into the truck and
orders CORI to activate a bomb which will blow up the whole building. |
Havitol and his men leave
Diana, IRAC and Rover alone in a room with a timer on a bomb planted
deep within the walls, the exit is booby trapped. |
Diana whirls into Wonder
Woman and forces open the control room door, then runs down the
corrider. She is hit in the chest by a laser beam and is knocked
backwards. She avoids three more laser beams by leaping over them and
uses her bracelets to deflect the final two. She crashes through the
door to the outside and leaps up and slices through the three thick
cables with a karate chop and the timer is now deactivated. Wonder Woman
has saved herself, IRAC and Rover. Steve and the officers capture
Havitol and his men. |
The following morning at the
IADC Diana, CORI and IRAC discuss Havitol's capture and how Rover needs
reprogramming because of his clumsiness...just as he appears with
Diana's morning coffee. |