Anne Colby [CORINNE
Officer-In-Charge of the Public Information Section at San Remo Air
Force Base and her fiancé Major Alan
Cornell [ALAN
FUDGE] have just finished playing
table-tennis when the Major receives a phone call. As he picks up
the phone, he hears a German sounding voice that says "Mary had a
little lamb" to which the Major replies "Its fleece as white as
snow." The voice asks him if the snow is falling and the major holds
up a tiny glass frame that has white powder falling within it. He
listens to the voice as it gives him instructions. Within minutes,
he hangs up the phone, walks past Anne staring stonily ahead and
ignoring her completely, gets into his car and drives away.
Cap. Anne Colby,
completely distraught, returns to the base to welcome a new
photojournalist, Sergeant
Diana Prince
who has been transferred from the Pentagon to the bases public
information office. Upon her arrival, Diana is informed that the
base has been put on "Yellow Alert" because of reported incidents of
sabotage. Left alone in the dark room, Diana contacts
Lieutenant Colonel Steve
Trevor Jr.
who is flying into the base. Steve has just received word that the
secret test flight of the Z-400 is to take place the next day and
the "cover" he has given her, as photojournalist, gives her access
to every area on the base. Steve also tells her that the other
regional bases Norris, McKinley and Lansdale have all had sabotage
attempts and that San Remo is probably next in line for sabotage.
Their radio signal has been picked up by Major Alan Cornell, but he
is only able to hear the beginning of their conversation before the
signal is scrambled. Diana is overheard by
Lieutenant Stonehouse
she tells him she was singing while loading her camera, that she
wasn't talking to anybody so he checks the darkroom and sees that
there is nobody else in there. |
Diana's first assignment
is to photograph the arrival and concert of a rock group that has
come to perform at the base, the Hull City Howlers. As Captain Colby
takes Diana to meet the band, Alan watches them. Befriending the
drummer, Mitch
Diana shoots him from various angles inside their tour bus.
Suddenly, through a fish-eye in the rear section of the bus, Diana
is being observed by a man who is an expert hypnotist and who put
Cornell under the spell by repeating the words "the snow is
falling." His name is
Edmund Dante
and as he answers the phone, he hears Cornell's voice telling him
the lady with the camera is Diana Prince, an I.A.D.C. agent. He
thanks Cornels and tells him that he will wake and not remember any
conversation since the morning. Dante then hands two heavies, who
have been hypnotized guns and orders them to kill Diana. |
As Diana returns to her
office, she passes a hanger with the door partially opened. A
familiar sounding voice beckons her to come inside to photograph
something. Once inside, the two heavies fire at her and she runs
behind a plane and whirls into Wonder Woman. She easily deflects the
bullets, leaps up onto the roof of a plane, then leaps down and with
her Golden Lasso, she captures one of the heavies. Upon questioning,
he can only repeat the words "When the snow falls I must obey."
Wonder Woman is puzzled. Suddenly an alarm bell rings off in the
distance and the heavy comes out of his hypnotic state. As she turns
him over to the Air Police, the heavy still has no idea how he got
there and what he was doing. |
Steve arrives at the base
the next day and Diana contacts him to tell him that someone has
found out that she is an IADC agent. Steve is deeply concerned for
the Z-400 program. If anything goes wrong, it could set the program
back five years. |
Prince: Steve, I hate the spoil your
arrival with this kind of news, but, someone knows I'm an IADC agent and
wants me out of the way. |
Trevor: You say you have no idea who
the guys were who tried to take you out? |
Prince: Well it's very strange. The one
seemed to be either drugged or hypnotized, he said he had no idea what
he was doing on the base, claimed to be from Idaho and according to
Washington his story checked out with the police there. Seems that he's
an airman who's been AWOL for a week. But the thing that bothers me the
most is that he's from one of the bases in Idaho that's been sabotaged. |
Trevor: You're thinking it's an attempt
to imperil the whole Z400 programme? |
Prince: Right. |
Trevor: Well it's certainly a
possibility, the flight will test its ability to escape surveillance.
It's a laser shield system. Now if anything goes wrong it'll set the
programme back five years. |
• Diana Prince:
Steve, I can't help thinking, what if the real purpose of the sabotage
at those bases was to switch the Z400's landing to San Remo? |
Diana again has to break
transmission as Captain Colby knocks on the darkroom door. |
returns to the Officer's Club where the rock
group is performing. She is introduced to Alan
by Major Colby and asks if the couple would like
their picture taken. As she asks them to pose
and holds up her camera Alan looks round and
sees an animated picture, which has falling snow
in it. He falls into a trance and walks out of
the club. Diana asks Colby what is wrong with
him and she tells her that she doesn't know but
it's the second time he has done it and she
needs to try to find him. Colby leaves Diana and
follows Alan. Diana sits down at the bar, in
Alan's seat and notices the picture, she figures
out what is wrong with Alan. She is approached
by Dante who hands her a picture of the group
and calls Mitch over to talk to Diana. |
Perhaps you might find one of these useful sergeant. |
Prince: Thank you. |
Of course the photography might not match up to your standard. |
Prince: It's just fine Mr... |
Dante, Edmund Dante. I'm the groups manager. |
Prince: Ah, well I'm Sergeant Diana
Prince with the public information office. |
Oh I see...Mitch can you come here a minute, thank you. This is Diana
Prince. |
Prince: We've already met before. |
Hello, glad you could make it. |
I think the young lady would enjoy hearing more about the Hull City
Howlers. Can you fill her in? |
Be my pleasure. |
And spare no details, she strikes me as someone who possesses a very
inquisitive nature. |
Prince: Well it was nice meeting you Mr
Dante. |
Pleasure meeting you. |
You know, you have got to be the prettiest sergeant in the Air Force,
you know that? |
Prince: Well thank you kind sir, but I
bet you say that to all the sergeants on all the bases right? |
No. No I'm serious. Listen, we have played all the bases around, Norris,
McKinley, Lansdale, you name it, oh but you, you really lead the field. |
Prince: You have played all those
bases? |
Uh huh. We've done more traveling in the last couple of weeks than most
bands do in a year. |
Prince: Who decides which bases you
play and when? |
Edmund Dante, the guy you just met. He sets up everything for us. |
Meanwhile Dante has made his
way back to the bus to find Alan there. He realizes that Alan is now out
of control but decides to take advantage of this. He tells him that he
wants him to create a diversion so that the blame will fall on Alan's
shoulders and take the suspicion away from him. He tells Alan that he
wants him to admit his guilt. |
climbs the communication tower and places some
explosives onto it, then climbs down and
positions himself nearby with the detonator.
Diana, inside the club taking pictures of the
band hears sirens and runs outside to see
military vehicles speeding past. She spins into
Wonder Woman. |
Stonehouse finds out that Alan Cornell has gone
crazy and has stolen explosives and taken them
to the control tower. As Stonehouse orders Alan
to step away from the detonator Wonder Woman
leaps up to where the explosives are, removes
them and throws them high into the air, yanking
the detonator out of Alan's hands. They explode
a safe distance away from the base. She uses her
lasso on Alan but all he says is "When the snow
falls I must obey." She taps her bracelets
together, making a sound like a bell and Alan
comes out of his hypnotic state and is placed
under arrest by Stonehouse. |
talking to Colby about Alan she immediately
grows suspicious and discusses this with Steve.
She then talks to Colby again who tells her that
Alan is a threat to security and a danger to
have near lapdog missiles. She asks where the
missiles are kept and Colby points their
location out on a picture on her office wall.
She asks why Diana is so interested and how she
got top level security clearance. Diana tells
her that she will explain later, that right now
she must get to work. |
checking him out in Washington, Steve informs
Diana that Dante is really Otto Franz, a former
officer in the U. S. Army, who turned against
the government and will now sell secrets or
perform sabotage for the highest bidder of an
enemy country. His present mission is to stop
the flight of the Z-400 for a group in Eastern
Europe who will pay him handsomely if he can
accomplish this. He tells her to meet him at the
club at 1600 hours. |
Through a form of hypnotism, using drumbeats,
Dante now has Lt. Stonehouse in his power. He
has ordered Stonehouse to report to the Launch
Control Facility and as the Z-400 approaches the
base, Stonehouse is to release a Lapdog missile
and destroy the plane. He tells Stonehouse to
bring Major Trevor to him. Stonehouse goes to
Steve's office and tells him to come with him,
there is a matter concerning the flight of the
Z400 that requires his immediate attention. He
leads Steve to the bus. When aboard the bus
Steve comes face to face with Dante who explains
his plan to destroy the Z400 as it approaches
San Remo. He tries to put Steve under his power
by placing a metronome and a snowglobe onto the
table in front of him, Steve is unable to move.
Dante drives away leaving the band behind. |
sees the bus go by as she walks to her meeting
with Steve. When he is not there she realizes
that something is wrong and goes outside. She
spins into Wonder Woman then jumps onto the
hanger roof and sees the bus in the distance.
She jumps down and chases after it. Dante speeds
up and she can't catch him. She leaps back onto
the roof and runs along it, then leaps across
onto the next building, then runs along the roof
of that one too and jumps down landing in front
of the bus. Dante doesn't stop so she leaps out
of the way but grabs the back of the bus,
preventing Dante from driving away. |
releases himself from his trance using the alarm
on his watch and captures Dante, then brings him
outside to Wonder Woman. She uses her lasso and
Dante tells her that Lt Stonehouse has already
headed to the control facility to launch the
lapdog missile and that she's too late to stop
him. She rushes to the Launch Control Facility
and reaches it a few seconds after Stonehouse
has launched the missile. She knocks the door
off it's hinges and deflects the bullets from
Stonehouse's gun. The head of the control
facility tells her that the missile has been
launched but that he will try to divert it. He
manages to change it's direction and it lands in
the ocean. |
at the base Steve tells Diana that the Z400
flight was a huge success and that Otto Franz is
in jail. Colby joins them and tells them that
Alan and Lt Stonehouse will both be fine and
that they will not have to face any charges. |