Cagliostro [DICK
descendent of a family known for swindling and magic, is busy
directing his workers to move piles of lead in an electro furnace.
When they withdraw the lead, it has been transformed into bars of
glittering gold. He has invented a machine that can turn base metal
into precious gold. As he stands, staring at his accomplishments,
Morgana Le Fay
enters and hands Cagliostro an envelope. In the envelope is a
picture of
Diana Prince [LYNDA
CARTER] wearing
a small golden locket on a chain around her neck. The locket had
been sent to her by Nimbler, who Cagliostro has killed to prevent
him from revealing what the swindling magician is doing. He tells
Morgana that they must get the pendant and Diana Prince. |
Later that evening at a reception honoring
Emir of Quiana
a magic show is part of the entertainment. Diana, an invited guest
and wearing the gold pendant, is requested by the magician,
be part of the show. Diana refuses but is encouraged by
friend and an amateur magician, who messes up every trick. She
agrees and steps into a large box, Jazreel pulls the curtain across
and tells the audience he will make her disappear. He says his magic
words, taps the box and Diana falls through a trapdoor and into an
upright shipping crate which is strapped on a highsided truck, the
lid is closed and the truck drives away. As he turns the box around
and opens the door, the audience see a skeleton in place of Diana
and all applaud, except Harold. He senses something is wrong. He is
even more convinced when Jazreel steps into the box and disappears
too. |
Inside the crate, Diana whirls into Wonder Woman and breaks out of
the crate, then jumps from the moving truck. She returns to the
reception and Harold, who is trying to find out what has happened to
her and is relieved to see that she is okay. She discovers that
Jazreel has disappeared. She now knows the pendant has something to
do with the incident. |
She gives the pendant to Steve and he and
try to figure out why it is so important. Steve asks Eve to take the
pendant to Dr Hutchins, a metallurgist, to be analyzed. She tells
him that someone is trying to get hold of the pendant, but the IADC
doesn't know why. He tells her that analysis will be no problem and
that she should tell Diana to stay close to the phone. |
Meanwhile Diana goes to the store whose name was written on the box
that contained the pendant. On her arrival she discovers that it is
a magic store, not a jewelry store. She is just about to enter the
store when she hears a familiar voice. |
Harold Farnum:
Merchandise here is competitively priced. Not too high, not too low. |
Diana Prince:
Harold? Have you been following me? |
• Harold Farnum:
You mean have I been tailing you? You can say that stuff, I know all the
jargon. |
• Diana Prince:
Harold! |
• Harold Farnum:
Yes I have been tailing you. Frankly I was worried. That magician at the
hotel is up to something that isn't in any of the books I've read. |
• Diana Prince:
Well I really do appreciate your concern. But as you can see I'm okay. |
Harold Farnum:
You sure are. |
Diana Prince:
Harold, I'm fine. So you can go home. |
• Harold Farnum:
Please Miss Prince, I'm already here. If you're investigating this store
maybe I can help. Remember I am an expert. |
• Diana Prince:
Okay. Somehow I get the feeling I'd be better off knowing exactly where
you are. Let's go. |
They enter the store together and Diana shows
the owner the jewelry box. She asks him if he
recognizes the name, or knows who may have sent
the pendant to her but he claims that the store
has never been a jewelry store, that he doesn't
know anything. She leaves with Harold,
frustrated at the lack of answers. |
Outside the lab two mime artists are performing
magic tricks in front of the students. Inside
the lab Dr. Hutchins' test results are
startling, he places the pendant into a safe
,hidden behind his book shelves. He rings Diana
to tell her what he has discovered but she
hasn't returned to her office yet so he says
he'll make his way to the IADC to deliver his
findings in person. He burns his notes and
prepares to leave, but the male mime artist
enters his lab and produces a yellow
handkerchief, then a large coin, then a white
ball which he breaks open and then blows the
white powder that it emits into Dr Hutchins'
face. It sends him into a trance and he is led
outside, where the female mime artist rejoins
her partner and they place him into their van
and drive him to Cagliostro's hideout. |
Eve and Steve arrive at the lab the next day, to
try to find out why Dr Hutchins never showed up
at the IADC. They find his burnt results but no
pendant. Eve finds out from a student that Dr
Hutchins was seen leaving with two mime artists.
Steve tells Eve to contact Diana and tell her to
look for the magician, as he is probably
responsible for the kidnap and missing pendant. |
Hutchins is brought to Cagliostro, who asks him
where he has hidden the pendant that was given
to Diana Prince. He refuses to tell him so
Cagliostro orders that he be locked in the
underground chamber. |
Diana and Harold attend a magic show where
Cagliostro is performing. Diana recognizes the
name and realizes that she has dealt with
Cagliostro's ancestors 2-3 hundred years ago.
Harold notices Morgana La Fay and when Diana
scans the room a few minutes later she notices
Jazreel. He, at the same time, notices her and
tries to escape. She runs after him, whirls into
Wonder Woman and follows him onto the roof. He
throws his case at her, which contains a bomb,
she catches it, then whirls around and throws it
high into the air. After a rooftop chase she
captures him with her lasso. Upon questioning,
he reveals that he is on his way to Hutchins lab
to remove the pendant from the safe. As she
removes the lasso, Wonder Woman instructs
Jazreel to call the police and surrender
himself. |
In the meantime, Cagliostro and Emir have their
meeting. It has been agreed the Emir's nation
and the other oil producing nations will raise
the price of oil and, in turn, will use the
money to purchase Cagliostro's gold. A down
payment of ten million dollars has been
deposited in Cagliostro's account in Zurich. |
Wonder Woman goes to Dr Hutchins' lab, breaks
open the safe and finds the pendant inside. It
looks very different, it is now lead. |
Back at the hideout, Cagliostro is warned by
Morgana that his scheme of turning lead into
gold will soon be discovered. That the ingots
always turn back to lead. She believes that he
is obsessed with producing gold. |
After IRAC analyzes the pendant Wonder Woman found in Hutchins' lab and
reports to Steve that it's composition is changing that it's gold
content is reducing as it becomes lead again. Eve wonders if this is a
result of alchemy. |
IRAC tells them the name of the person whose name is linked with
alchemy... it is Cagliostro. Steve contacts Emir immediately, he comes
to the IADC and Steve advises him not to buy whatever he might be
planning to buy, that he would be making a big mistake. |
Steve meets Diana for dinner and she tells him what she knows about
Cagliostro. She also tells him that their agent in Zurich has discovered
that all the oil producers are transferring funds to their Swiss banks,
their money is to go to a special account held by Count Cagliostro. |
Emir questions Cagliostro who denies all but sets out to find Diana
Prince. He figures the way to get to Diana Prince is through her friend
Harold. He tricks Harold into meeting him at a magic shop and he then
kidnaps him and returns to his lab. Once there, Cagliostro places a call
to Diana and filtering his voice to sound like Harold, he tells her to
meet him at an old deserted house of horrors. She decides to go as
Wonder Woman. |
When she arrives she sees Morgana leaving and stops her. She tells
Wonder Woman that Hutchins and Harold are in a cell in the basement and
for her to hurry Cagliostro intends to kill them and Diana Prince, that
she was on her way to warn Diana that she was walking into a trap. |
Wonder Woman runs to the cell and with super strength yanks the door
from its hinges and frees Harold and Hutchins. She tell them to get to a
phone and call Steve Trevor at the IADC, to tell him to meet her there
with the police. She then heads for the loading dock where gold is being
lifted into a truck. Cagliostro and Emir are shaking hands on the deal
when Wonder Woman leaps through a brick wall and appears before them. |
Cagliostro: So
Wonder Woman, you've returned to thwart the Cagliostro's as you have for
centuries. But this time you shall lose. |
• Wonder Woman:
You have it backwards Cagliostro. I've already won. |
Emir: What's
happening? |
• Wonder Woman:
You were about to make a big mistake your highness. That gold you think
you're buying, it'll turn to lead in two days. |
Emir: Lead? |
Wonder Woman:
So now Cagliostro... |
points her finger at him. |
• Cagliostro:
No Wonder Woman! I am not my father, nor any of my ancestors. This is
one Cagliostro who shall escape you. Stop her! |
Cagliostro yells for his men. As the men pull their guns and fire at
her, she deflects the bullets easily with her bracelets. As the sirens
approach, a puff of smoke appears and Wonder Woman moves toward it. When
it clears, Cagliostro has gone. He manages to escape but Wonder Woman
saves Harold, Hutchins and the world from an oil crisis. |
As the police and Steve lead Cagliostro's men away Harold finally
performs a magic trick correctly as he produces a golden locket for
Wonder Woman. |