A man bails out of a jet
and falls a great distance before opening his parachute... as he falls he
talks to himself, it is clear that he is insane and also that he has met
Diana Prince
before. He does not want her to prevent him from
carrying out his latest plan, so he decides to send her a box of candy. |
The doorbell rings at Diana's apartment but when she opens the door
nobody is there. Diana sees what looks like a box of chocolates on
the floor in front of her apartment door . She picks it up and
suddenly hears the sound of a time bomb. She hurries into her
apartment, whirls into Wonder Woman, rushes outside onto the balcony
and hurls the package upward. A tremendous explosion is heard in the
distance. She knows immediately that
Marion Mariposa
back. |
Meanwhile a javelin thrower cycles to a phone booth which he has been told
to use to call his mother. While he is talking to her, a hook smashes through
the glass and a helicopter lifts the booth from the ground and carries
it, and the athlete inside, to Mariposa's estate. Mariposa informs the athlete
that he is now going to compete for Mariposalia, if he refuses his mother
will be killed. |
In a gym in Los Angeles a talented gymnast
Nadia Samara
practicing her bars routine, she is being watched by her boyfriend
SPRINGFIELD]...but she is also aware that she is being watched by someone
else. Tom thinks that she is imagining it, neither realize that someone is in
there with them taking photographs of Nadia. |
Summoned to Steve Trevor's
[LYLE WAGGONER] office, she is given a new
assignment -to find six missing athletes. The Olympic Committee has reported
their disappearance. |
Consulting the computer, "IRAC" Diana learns the next one to disappear will
be Nadia Samara, a gymnast whom Diana knows personally. She immediately
leaves for Los Angeles. |
In the meantime, Marion Mariposa learns that his attempt to kill Diana has
failed. He looks at the photographs of Nadia and wants her on his
team. He
hires the Taggarts, a criminal couple to help him to kidnap Nadia. When
questioned by one of them,
Bo Taggart
[ROBERT SAMPSON] on why he wants all the
athletes, Mariposa strides over to a globe and points to a spot where his
island country should exist, but is not apparent. Also prominent is an
unfamiliar flag, maps of an unfamiliar country, photos and paintings of
maripose flower, a coat of arms, etc. The two men exchange a glace and
realize that the little man is not quite all there. He wants his "country"
recognized by the world and the only way for people to sit up and take
notice is by winning the Olympics -he wants to field the fastest, strongest,
most agile team the world has ever known. It will bring his country not only
medals, but recognition and respect. |
Nadia is living in constant fear. She knows
someone has been watching her. When Diana
arrives at her apartment she is relieved to see
her and tells her how scared she is, that she
now knows she must be in danger or the IADC
would not have sent Diana. She tells Diana that
she doesn't understand what is happening and
gets very upset. Diana tells her to go and try
to get some rest, that she will stay and make
sure that she is safe. |
As Diana works through her IADC paperwork and
Nadia sleeps a man scales down the apartment
building. He reaches Nadia's window and is about
to enter when Nadia wakes up and screams for
Diana. Diana spins into Wonder Woman and kicks
open Nadia's bedroom door, she deflects the
kidnappers bullets and he flees. She follows him
out of the window but he gets away. When she
returns to Nadia's bedroom she discovers that
Nadia has gone. Nadia runs to the gym, where Tom
meets her, but she is so afraid that when a
basketball bounces out of nowhere she runs out
of the gym. Tom tries to follow her but somebody
locks the gym door. While running away, a van
blocks her path and tricks her into getting in.
She is taken by Mariposa and his men to the
mansion where the kidnapped athletes are in
training. |
Mariposa keeps them there by threatening to harm
their families. The Taggart's are paid for kidnapping Nadia, then Lois
suggests that they could get Wonder Woman to come to the estate if they
kidnap Diana Prince. Mariposa agrees and Lois reveals that her plan will
involve flowers. |
Diana learns from a phone call to Steve that none of the loved ones of the
kidnapped athletes will talk, so they must be being threatened by
somebody, possibly Mariposa. Diana goes to the university to question Tom
Hamilton about Nadia but he runs away when he sees her. She runs after him
but he has locked the gym door so she spins into Wonder Woman and breaks
open the door, then bounces on a trampoline, spins around the bars and lands
in front of Tom. She tells him she's looking for Nadia, he doesn't know where
she is. |
Flowers are delivered to Nadia's apartment, Diana believes that they are from
Steve and opens the box to look at them, she smells them then sees the
card, when she removes it the roses spray out a white mist into her face. She
staggers backwards and falls to the floor unconscious. |
Diana regains consciousness to see Mariposa standing above her. Diana
thought Mariposa had drowned in the North Sea during their last encounter. |
Mariposa: I thought you'd be pleased to see a familiar face. |
Diana Prince: Not yours Mariposa. |
Mariposa: Did you enjoy the candy I sent you? |
Diana Prince: Not in the
least. I enjoyed the flowers even less. |
Mariposa: Oh what's the
matter? Lost your sense of humor? |
Diana Prince: I was hoping that I was rid of
yours. Weren't you supposed to
have drowned in the North Sea at the end of our last little encounter? |
Mariposa: You should know that I always have my entrances and my exits
carefully choreographed. Why Diana, I had one of my submarines pick me up. |
Diana Prince: Since when was kidnapping part of your choreography? |
Mariposa: With your case since I became interested in capturing Wonder
Woman. |
Diana Prince: What do I have to do with Wonder Woman? |
Mariposa: It's Wonder Woman's interest in you that interests me. |
It seems as though he wants Diana around because Wonder Woman shows up
wherever Diana is. He wants Wonder Woman on his Olympic team. He takes Diana
down to where the athletes are being held Diana and he have a confrontation
and he orders her to be locked up in one of the cells. |
In the mansion prison area, Diana learns from the athlete who has
brought her some food that Mariposa has ordered Nadia's boyfriend, Tom
to be killed. She whirls into Wonder Woman and pulls the bars from the
window of her cell. She races through the wooded area and reaches Tom's
room just as he hears a noise at his door. She bursts through the window
of Tom's room and races to a spot between Bo and Tom just in time to
deflect the bullets with her bracelets. As Bo and his accomplice
[E.G. PEAKER] try to run Wonder
Woman catches up with them and throws them across the hallway. She then
removes the cord from a toaster and ties them up, she instructs Tom to call
the police. |
Wonder Woman runs back to the mansion and during her conversation with
Marion Mariposa she tells him to give himself up and to forget his crazy dream; all
his people have been captured by the police. He makes a dash for the door
and starts to run across the field. Wonder Woman takes two javelins, one in
each hand, and tosses them simultaneously. She also uses her tiara to knock
him off his feet. Aimed and timed perfectly, they "slip" through each sleeve
of his suit, from shoulder to cuff to ground, pinning him face town on the
grass. She turns to the athletes and smiles then goes to get Mariposa, but
when she reaches the spot where he was all that is left is his purple suit
and a blue flower. In the distance she can hear his horrible menacing
laugh.... |
All the athletes gather around Wonder Woman and she tells them that they are
now free to compete for whichever country they want. |