Prince [LYNDA
CARTER] goes
underground and poses as
Lil Thaxton,
a bank robber. Aboard
Tony Ryan's
cabin cruiser, she listens as Tony persuades
Anton Caribe
the world's most notorious thief, to meet Lil and have her join them
in their next job. The elusive Caribe's next job is to be his
biggest; then he is to retire. She tells Tony that she'd better
change into something more suitable if she is going to meet Anton
Caribe. While she is below deck she spins into her scuba costume,
dives into the water and swims to the shore, where Steve Trevor is
waiting for Diana. |
Diana Prince:
Steve! |
Steve Trevor:
Diana. You had me
worried. I thought trig-ger boy Ryan had found out who you really were.
I was afraid I'd never see you again. |
Diana Prince:
No way. As a matter
of fact Tony is so im-pressed with my cover story that he's taking me to
meet the elusive Anton Caribe in person. |
Steve Trevor:
That's great, then Ryan's playing right into our hands. When's the
meeting? |
Diana Prince:
I don't know, we're
waiting to hear. |
Steve Trevor:
O-oh, that means
Caribe's checking you out. Any idea where he's hiding? |
Diana Prince:
No, er, all Tony will tell me is that he's recruiting for a heist that's
really, really big. |
Steve Trevor:
Bigger than the last three? |
Diana Prince:
Put together. |
Steve Trevor:
If he's not arrested soon, he's gonna be solely responsible for the
national debt. |
Diana Prince:
Oh he'll get arrested this time with enough evidence to put him away for
life and throw away the key. |
Steve Trevor:
From the way things are going I believe it. But listen if he's checking
you out there's a few details I'm gonna have to take care of. |
Diana Prince:
I'd better get back to my friend before he misses me. |
Steve Trevor:
Listen take some advice from this old friend, you watch yourself, be
careful. |
Diana Prince:
Thanks Steve, I will. |
Diana returns to the boat. Neither she nor Tony
realise that they have been being watched by one
of Caribe's men,
who has been sent to check Lil out. He arrives
at the police department and pays an old contact
for access to Lil's police records... records
which Steve has just planted, he sees that she
does seem to be who she claims and heads off
back to Caribe's hideout. |
Since Caribe's hideout is kept secret, Tony
blindfolds Diana. He leads her to a warehouse,
pushes a button and the door opens to the
world's richest museum. Priceless tapestries,
paintings and art objects are displayed on
polished tables. The atmosphere reeks with
stolen treasure and immeasurable wealth. |
Tony removes the blindfold and Diana looks
around in astonishment. As Tony leads her toward
the far end of the room, she sees Caribe sitting
beneath a spotlight at a huge desk -a cruel,
commanding, self-assured, self-centered man. He
couldn't care less about Diana and could sooner
shoot her than speak to her. To prove that she
will be a worthwhile member of his group, she
volunteers to get the plans for a new alarm
system that was recently installed by Techtron
plant in his adversary's hideout. |
Anton Caribe:
I hear you're very good at bank robbery. |
Diana Prince:
Good enough to feel ready for bigger and better things Mr Caribe. |
Anton Caribe:
You're very beautiful. |
Diana Prince:
Thank you. |
Anton Caribe:
Unlike Mr Ryan, however, I don't permit beauty to colour my good
judgment. |
Tony Ryan:
I've done my homework sir,
we can trust her. |
Anton Caribe:
When have I heard that before? Last year wasn't it? Only the name wasn't
Lil, it was Karen, who's now serving 5 years. |
It's 7. |
Anton Caribe:
Which you could very easily be doing right alongside her, correct Mr
Ryan? We have no personal knowledge of this person's capabilities, just
heresay and police reports. |
Diana Prince:
Try me, I can handle anything. |
Anton Caribe:
A very revealing choice of words. I'm afraid try is unacceptable in my
vocabulary. |
Tony Ryan:
Are you saying that she's not in on the job? |
I'm saying she's not. Nobody is. I just heard, the whole security system
has been changed on the vault. Techtron alarm engineers were there the
whole week installing a new setup. All our plans are no good. |
Diana Prince:
The Techtron plant's a piece of cake. I can get you the plans for the
new alarm system. |
Anton Caribe:
Get her out of here Ryan. |
Diana Prince:
No! You want proof I know my business, you'll get it. |
Tony Ryan:
Lil, the place is like a fortress. |
Diana Prince:
All the better. I get you the plans and you let me in on whatever you
want them for. Is it a deal? |
Anton Caribe:
Obviously. It's the only kind I insist upon, I can't lose. |
Diana Prince:
Good I'll get them
tonight. |
That evening, Diana arrives at the Techtron factory and spins into
Wonder Woman. She leaps gracefully over the ten-foot barrier and then up
to the entrance, noticing the alarm system, she uses her bracelet to
slice through an electrical cable to cut off the alarm. She is followed
to the factory by Leech, as Caribe has instructed him to follow her, and
he takes considerably longer to gain entry. She enters the building and
as the security guard approaches her, she throws her Golden Lasso over
the guard's shoulders. She gets him to lead her to the file room where
he gives her the plans that Caribe has requested, she then photographs
the plans twice, one film for Caribe, the other for Steve. She removes
the Golden Lasso and tells the guard that he is to forget what just
happened, that Wonder Woman was never there. When she leaves the room
she bumps into Leech and asks him if he has seen Lil who she claims that
she's been looking for. She places him in a store cupboard then she
changes back to Diana and rejoins him. Returning to Caribe's office, she
hands him the plans. He rises from his desk, faces Diana and welcomes
her to his organization. |
Leech who is still unconvinced about Lil's identity picks up her former
cell-mate Marge and brings her back to Caribe's hideout to expose Diana
as a fake. But Marge recognizes her and Diana's cover remains intact.
Leech angrily takes Marge back to where he picked her up and she gets
into a car...which belongs to Steve Trevor. She reaches toward her face
and peels off her mask to reveal that she is not Marge, but Steve and
Diana's colleague
After explaining to Diana the job, which involves more than $50,000,000,
he introduces her to her colleagues. Paul
and Grease
along with Tony are to work with Diana and break into
Michael Sutton's
bank hideout which is a very well disguised fortress complete with armed
guards, sentry dogs and one of the finest vaults constructed to gain
entrance, Diana is placed inside an Egyptian mummy case, which Caribe
offered to sell to Sutton and which Sutton agreed to buy. The mummy is
delivered to Sutton's mansion and is placed inside the highly secure
vault. |
Meanwhile, Steve Trevor asks Ira to analyze the alarm system on the
plans and to tell him which bank Caribe is planning to rob. IRAC informs
him that the alarm system does not belong to any bank, that he does not
know where the alarm system is located. |
Alone that evening, Diana pushes open the door of the mummy case, steps
out and she reacts to angry barking. She realizes that two sentry dogs
stand guard outside the vault door. She looks around and spins into
Wonder Woman. She braces herself, applies all her strength and the heavy
vault door begins to open and as she steps out, she faces the dogs. She
very gently speaks to them and they suddenly stop barking. She calmly
walks up to the lead dog and scratches his ear and he licks Wonder
Woman's hand. She tells the dogs not to harm the men she will return
with and not to move. She places the mummy outside the vault so that her
accomplices will not be suspicious of how she got out of the locked
section. She then enters Sutton's office and pushes the alarm switch to
off. |
Wonder Woman then whirls back to Diana and opens the courtyard door to
admit her colleagues. They enter the building and immediately head for
the vault. As they pick up arm loads of stacked currency and start to
carry them out, two of Sutton's men enter the office and notice the
alarm is off. During the period that they reactivate the alarm the four
men leave the building but Diana returns to the vault to pick up the
laser which they forget to take with them. Just as she is about to pass
in front of the eye, the beam comes back on and the alarm goes off. The
men escape but Diana is caught. |
She immediately whirls into Wonder Woman and runs to the motionless
dogs. She kneels town beside the lead dog and starts to talk to him as
only Wonder Woman can. As the two gunmen enter the vault room prepared
to attack the intruder, they stare in disbelief -the sentry dog is
pawing at the electric eye alarm activators imbedded in the wall.
Meanwhile Wonder Woman is hiding inside the vault until the coast is
clear. |
In Caribe's office, the money which was just stolen is dumped on his
desk. He inquires about Diana and just as they are about to tell him,
she enters the room. Tony is delighted to see that Lil [Diana] escaped
and she then informs them that she is really Diana Prince with the Inter
Agency Defense Command. As Caribe pulls a gun, the door opens and Steve
appears with police officers. The police lead their captives out the
door and Diana returns Steve's smile with much satisfaction. |
You see what you get? You
see what you get when you trust a woman?! |
Steve Trevor:
Yeah, you get the job done! |