world renowned scientists,
Dr. Tobias
Dr. Prescott
and Dr. Lazaar
members of the military are seated around a conference table
listening to Dr. Tobias discuss Project XYZ. He angrily tells them
that when he and his colleagues realized they were developing the
most devastating weapon that would escalate the arms race. Each of
them was responsible for one part of its development. To prevent it
from falling into the wrong hands they have burned every page of
notes, every equation and every trace of their work. The military
men look uncomfortable, except for
Major John Dexter
Dr. Tobias continues, a strange high-pitched buzzing sound is heard
and it continues to grow louder. |
Soon Dr. Tobias eyes are blinking in a mechanical, rhythmical
manner. As the high-pitched sound becomes piercing, Dr. Tobias
slowly begins to melt. While the people around the table look on
with horror, Dr. Tobias melts to a blob of slightly smoking liquid
plastic and formless clothing, hair and wiring. |
The next day, Dexter, an old college friend of Steve's, explains to
Diana Prince
and Steve
Trevor, Jr. [LYLE
the real doctor was replaced by an android. Since all three
scientists are involved in Project XYZ, there is the possibility
that the other two, who are still flesh and blood, may also be
replaced by an android. Steve and Diana decide that they must place
both remaining scientists under tight security and Steve leaves to
arrange this. |
Diana leaves to check Tobias' laboratory for clues. Somebody is
already there when she arrives and he pulls out a gun and tells
Diana not to move as he makes his escape. Diana sets off after him
and spins into Wonder Woman. She captures the man with her lasso and
asks him what he was doing in Tobias' laboratory. |
Wonder Woman:
Now in Fifty words
or less tell me why you were in that laboratory! |
I can't... |
Wonder Woman:
You have to. You
can't lie. |
I can't, I can't, I
caaaa.... |
eyes begin to blink just as Tobias' had done and he melts into a pool of
smoking liquid and wires. |
Wonder Woman:
Well whatever you
were programmed for I guess it wasn't for truth. |
Meanwhile Steve, accompanied by Dexter, has just
placed Prescott in a secure location and is
returning to his car just as the phone rings. It
is Diana who tells Steve that she wasn't the
only one at Tobias' laboratory. |
Diana Prince:
Hey Steve, this is
Diana. Listen I'm at Doctor Tobias' and when I got here I wasn't alone.
I was greeted by another android. |
Steve Trevor:
What happened? |
Diana Prince:
Well let's just say that he broke down under pressure! |
Steve Trevor:
Are you alright? |
Diana Prince:
Well I'm fine, but I'd like to know why I'm standing in a physicists
laboratory looking at a battalion of toy soldiers? |
Steve Trevor:
Just a second. He addresses Dexter) Diana found some toy soldiers at
Tobias' laboratory. Does he have some kind of hobby? |
All three scientists play war games with miniature soldiers for
relaxation. |
Steve Trevor:
A-ha!Did you hear that Diana? |
Diana Prince:
Yes. I guess only geniuses can play with toys when they're over fifty
and get away with it. |
Steve Trevor:
You let us know if you find anything else right? |
Diana Prince:
Right. |
A short while later a package is delivered to Dr. Prescott -a set of toy
soldiers, which he seems to have been expecting. As he places the
soldiers into their positions a miniature cannon fires a needle into
Prescott's arm. He gasps, he eyes glaze over and he appears frozen,
stupefied, mouth slack and eyes staring. The phone rings and a voice
instructs him to do exactly as it says. He leaves the apartment, walking
by the guard who suffered the same fate by a toy, and walks to the back
stairway. Another Prescott appears and the real Prescott disappears. |
It is Christmas season and a toy maker,
Orlich Hoffman
GORSHIN], is busy
putting the finishing touches on a toy drummer when a buzzer sounds. He
walks to the back of the toy shop and two men enter carrying a long
coffin-like box. Inside the crate is the real Dr. Prescott, sound
Meanwhile, the android Prescott is being visited by Diana. He insists
that she has a cup of tea. While questioning him about Project XYZ, she
notices that one of his hands is on a hot burner with the coils glowing
red, she pulls it off the coil. He quickly jerks his hand away but
knowing he's been caught with no chance of reprieve. He starts to speak
and his eyes begin to blink rhythmically too, Diana releases that
Prescott has also been replaced by an android. |
Diana rushes to Dr. Lazaar's apartment and has a doctor verify that he
is still human, warning him that he is the only one that hasn't been
replaced with an android. She tells him that he will have to be moved
again so that he will be safe. She notices a set of toy soldiers and
questions him as to where he purchased them, then leaves immediately for
the toy shop. |
Diana arrives at the toy shop and meets the owner Hoffman, who grows
suspicious when she asks to purchase toy soldiers. He invents many
excuses and send her to another toy shop. He hands her a little Santa
Claus to put on her dashboard, to make up for his rudeness. It is really
a tracking device for a toy plane that will follow and kill Diana. As
Diana drives away she notices the plane above her car. It swoops low and
drops explosive devices. She stops the car and runs to take cover as
more devices are fired toward her. She spins into Wonder Woman and uses
her bracelets to deflect two further shots then leaps up and catches the
plane. She carries it over to the car and realizes that the Santa Claus
was a tracking device. |
Later that night, Hoffman applies the finishing touches one of his most
recent creations -another android identical in form, figure and costume
to Wonder Woman. |
Back at Steve's office Diana tells Steve about the plane and is just
telling him that she has had Lazaar moved when Dexter arrives. He seems
very agitated and becomes more so when Diana refuses to tell either of
them where she has moved Lazaar too. Diana has grown suspicious of Major
Dexter. She checks him out with the computer console, IRAC. As IRAC
flashes out the information she requests, she now knows that her
suspicions were correct. Dexter and the toy maker are working together.
While she is gathering her information, Dexter and Hoffman are together
in the toy shop. They are making plans to capture Diana as she is the
only one who knows where Dr. Lazaar is. Through a phony telephone call,
using Steve Trevor's voice to convince her, they lure her to a park in
the middle of the night and to her surprise the android Wonder Woman is
waiting for her. She tells her that the two missing scientists are in
the basement of the toy shop. Diana follows warily. |
She is greeted by Dexter, who points a gun at her and demands that she
tells him where Lazaar is. She tells him that she knows he is behind the
switches and that she won't tell him Lazaar's location. Hoffman opens
the lid of a box near Diana and releases some toy butterflies. One lands
on Diana's hand. It clamps on and a needle appears where its mouth
should be. As it bites her, she immediately staggers and falls to the
ground, out cold. When she comes round Dexter is sitting beside her. The
butterfly contained a truth serum and she tells Dexter that Lazaar is at
her apartment. He leaves to get him and Wonder Woman is left to guard
Diana. |
She slowly regains consciousness and sees Hoffman and 'Wonder Woman"
loading Prescott and Tobias onto a truck. She realizes she talked in her
sleep and Dexter is on his way to get Lazaar in the hiding place. She
gets up and whirls into the real Wonder Woman. The two Wonder Women
battle and one crumples to the floor. Hoffman has no idea if it's his
android or not. The two continue loading the van and pick up Dexter.
When they explain to him their reason for being late, he becomes
suspicious He fires at Wonder Woman and she's forced to deflect the
bullet. He knows it is the real Wonder Woman. Hoffman runs but is
knocked off his feet by Wonder Woman's tiara. She stops Dexter from
getting away by holding onto the back of the van. |
Back at Steve's office Steve is on the phone saying how worried he is
that Diana's disappeared, when he looks up to see her standing there. |
Diana Prince:
Sorry but I would've called and I couldn't. I found the missing
scientists. |
Steve Trevor:
Tobias and Prescott? |
Diana Prince:
And Lazaar. Wonder Woman got to them just before they were shipped out
of the country. |
Steve Trevor:
By whom? Who's behind all this? |
Diana Prince:
Major Dexter. |
Steve Trevor:
Dex? |
Diana Prince:
Yes, with the help of the little toymaker Hoffman. They were about to
sell the XYZ weapon to a foreign country. Wonder Woman has them both
under wraps. |
Steve Trevor:
I'll call the police. |
Diana Prince:
No wait a minute. She suggested that we let them think their plan
worked. |
Steve Trevor:
What? |
Diana Prince:
She used her golden lasso to make them forget they were caught. Now it's
our turn to replace the scientists with androids. |
Steve Trevor:
You mean let them ship fake scientists out of the country? |
Diana Prince:
Arresting Dexter and Hoffman would only publicize this whole thing. And
the more people who know about it the greater the chances are that
someone else's will try it. |
Steve Trevor:
Yeah well that way everyone would get, or would think they were getting
exactly what they want. |
Diana Prince:
Right and the XYZ project can finally be forgotten once and for all. |
Steve Trevor:
Wonder Woman's
right again, as usual! |
Diana and Steve watch from a distance and they see Dexter and Hoffman
drive off in the truck thinking that their precious cargo are the three
scientists. Since the lasso makes people forget things that have
happened, they are not aware that Steve and Diana have substituted three
androids for the real scientists. Steve and Diana take great pleasure in
realizing that Hoffman and Dexter will get what they deserve when the
people who paid them for three live scientists will be getting three
androids. Diana tells Steve she has something she needs to do. |
Wonder Woman stands outside Hoffman's toyshop, she sprays
"Merry Christmas W.W."
onto the window, turns around and smiles. |