seven light years from Earth, in the star system Signus Alpha, a
combat commander from the planet Octarus fights a battle that begins
in space but will subsequently be fought on American soil." |
outer space, a battle is taking place and the enemy, the Skrill,
triumphs. They escape to Earth. The Planetary Council convenes and
asks permission to go to Earth and recapture the Skrill. The Council
prefers to send a decontamination squad but Andros argues that there
will be panic and the Skrill can be cleaned out of Washington, D.C.
without turning Earth into a battle field or a madhouse. He turns
down an offer of assistance by telling the Council that an Earth
creature, Wonder Woman, with whom his father and he have worked
before, will be all the help he needs. The Council reluctantly gives
him six days on Earth to bring back the Skrill. |
the I.A.D.C. headquarters,
Diana Prince
and Steve
Trevor, Jr. [LYLE
listening to two scientists,
Dr. George Hess
Dr. Ruth Blaine
RYAN]. They are
telling Diana and Steve that they picked up the Skrill's path on the
Satellite Tracking Relay. Steve orders them to check out the
automated satellite control station. Steve and Diana must attend the
first briefing of the National Security Council, after which Diana
says she will join them at the control station. |
driving in a Jeep to the station, George and Ruth are attracted to a
musical pattern something like conversing birds. They follow the
sound and stop and stare in complete amazement. Through the trees
they see four small humanoid creatures, wearing silvery, one piece
garments. A stiff cowl-like hood shadows the upper face; the lower
face is covered by a filter. They are the Skrill. One lifts a hand
on which is a metallic gauntlet, the knuckles slightly exaggerated.
They converse in musical patterns and one humanoid approaches
George. He suddenly clenches a fist and small metal spines bristle
up from the metallic gauntlet's knuckles which emit a pulse of light
and George is frozen into a statue. Ruth cries out but is also
paralyzed. They next take a large jewel and touch George and Ruth's
forehead and both collapse, unconscious. |
on her way to meet them at the station has a feeling of uneasiness
while driving through the woods, she stops the car when she sees
George and Ruth's abandoned vehicle. In the distance she hears the
musical pattern and changes to Wonder Woman so she can pursue the
sound. She leaps into the treetops and see the bodies of George and
Ruth. She decides against pursuit of the Skrill and delivers the two
scientists to the hospital. |
doctor is baffled. There is no physical trauma, no signs of disease,
or organic breakdown. In effect, they are mindless. Diana confirms
his suspicions when he asks if he is treating victims of some one or
something from another world. |
I understand that this is
some kind of national security matter but is there anything you can tell
me that might be some help in my treatment? |
We don't know much yet.
(she looks around and sighs) Okay doctor, something from outer-space has
landed on Earth. Now George and Ruth went to investigate the
manifestation and apparently, to put it in your on words, they've lost
control of their own minds. |
And you don't know to whom
or to what?! |
No Doctor I'm sorry I
don't. But you know what? I was walking through the woods and I had the
feeling of something alien. I heard some odd musical sounds. |
Are you saying I'm
treating the victims of someone or something from another world? |
That's exactly right
Doctor. |
The police
have blocked off the wooded area, unaware that a college class is on a
field trip. Two students.
VAN PATTEN], wander
away from the group and within minutes four Skrill encircle them. They
hold the gray, dull jewel to each of the foreheads. In the meantime, the
teacher gathers the rest of the class and as she approaches the police,
she reports their disappearance. |
there is a gust of wind, hammer of thunder, the treetops shake and there
is a flash of light and within minutes it is over. The only one who
knows what this is about is Diana -it is the arrival of Andros. |
Debbie and
Johnny stop a truck, knock the driver unconscious and order two Skrill
to drag him into the brush. Andros is in the woods and his amulet picks
up the presence of the two Skrill. |
Diana, who
has been searching for Debbie and Johnny, knowing the Skrill have taken
over their bodies, spots the Skrill and one of them lifts a gauntlet
hand . She immediately whirls into Wonder Woman. The Skrill's ray hits
Wonder Woman's stomach, she avoids the next and picks up the unconscious
driver, the Skrill gets ready to fire again. Andros suddenly appears and
touching the amulet he wears around his neck, sends off flares, which
repel the Skrill. They race off. Wonder Woman is obviously pleased to
see Andros. |
Wonder Woman:
Andros! |
Princess, am I in time to
be of service? |
Wonder Woman:
As always your
timing is excellent Andros. I've been expecting you ever since that
dramatic weather change. |
I was trying to attract
your attention. I had a slight problem in arranging my trip. It's a
delight to see you again Princess, even if it is trouble that has
brought me back. |
Two police cars arrive, one driving straight into a ditch. Andros, with
Wonder Woman's help, brings the truck driver back to life and they leave
him with the police, who have called for an ambulance. |
Johnny and Debbie realize that the area is now heavily guarded and plan
to distract the police. They radio the state trooper who has just left
the woods and tell him that they are near to a cliff, so he heads
towards Fisher's Point. Debbie and Johnny hide in the bushes and as the
police car approaches the stolen truck they use their gauntlets to drive
the truck over the cliff. |
Back at
Diana's apartment, Andros explains that the Skrill do not want to steal
anything material. They want to steal knowledge -human minds - and use
it on other planets in an evil way. A phonecall from Steve informs them
that the Skrill were able to trick the police and that 'Debbie' and
'Johnny' are still missing. He also tells Diana that the military is
skeptical and that they want proof that she and Andros are better
equipped to find the Skrill than they are. She asks Andros is he can
demonstrate his ability and he agrees. |
The next
day, at the test area, Andros destroys a pile of scrap cars as Debbie
and Johnny cautiously look on from their hiding place. Andros sees that
General Miller
is now a Skrill. Debbie and Johnny know they must get him away before
Steve and Diana are able to capture him. Their attempt to free the
General fails and they speed away in their car. Diana, who has now
whirled into Wonder Woman, is after them. She vaults a fence onto the
hood of the speeding car, covering the windshield. Debbie hits the
brakes hard and Wonder Woman leaps off, yanking the door open. She
captures Debbie but Johnny escapes. |
In the
hospital she questions Debbie. Wonder Woman loops the lasso around
Debbie asking her where the girl Debbie's mind is. She is told that it
is in the storage racks in their hiding place somewhere in the woods but
Debbie is unable to name the exact place. Meanwhile, in the hiding
place, Johnny realizes that Diana Prince and Wonder Woman are the same
person and that as Diana she is vulnerable. He decides the only way to
get rid of Wonder Woman is to put the monster Sardor up against her in
battle. Sardor, seven-feet tall, is a cross between a bear and a
panther. Johnny tells Karen and Kim to scatter a special dust around
Diana's apartment which, like catnip, will attract Sardor. |
The next day,
Skrill, gain entrance to Diana's apartment and scatter the dust
everywhere. As Diana enters her apartment later that day, the two
surprise her. Kim starts to pull on her gauntlet and Diana whirls and
the gauntlet out of her
hand. A fight follows with lamps smashing against walls, clothes are
torn, faces and hands are clawed. As Diana is almost victorious, Kim
emits a high, musical howling. The apartment door explodes open and
Diana screams, as Sardor comes toward her. Part One ends as Sardor grabs
Diana, lifts her up and holds her as she struggles to get free. |