MURDEROUS MISSILE" Air Date: April 21, 1978. In 'The
Murderous Missile, Diana Prince is on her way to a
supposedly secret missile test site located within
an empty ghost town. She is surprised to learn that
there are, indeed, citizens secretly living there,
and even more shocked to suddenly find herself their
prisoner. Eventually she discovers that these people
are planning on stealing this new brand of missile
and use it for their own purposes. Diana's dilemma
is to stop them without revealing that she is really
Wonder Woman. "TIME BOMB" Air Date: November 10,
1978. Time Bomb" has a woman named Cassandra Loren
arrive in the present from the year 2155. Her
purpose is to use her knowledge of the future to
mine a mineral that, in the 22nd century, will make
her very wealthy and powerful. Wonder Woman gets
involved when another woman arrives from the future,
claiming that Cassandra must be stopped because the
mining she has undertaken will ultimately destroy
Phoenix and have a dramatic rippling impact on
future events. *** Time travel stories have offered
a lot of appeal to the reader of books and the
viewers of films and television shows over the
years, and this episode of Wonder Woman is no
exception. Interestingly - and despite the fact that
we're not actually privy to seeing it - we're told
that Wonder Woman is still alive in the 22nd
century, apparently contradicting the warning she
was given by her mother when she decided to leave
Paradise Island back in the 1940s (actually the
first season of the show, taking place in the era of
World War II). At that time, Diana was told that she
would become mortal, age as a mortal and die as one
as well if she left the confines of her home. Well-
obviously mother doesn't always know best.". |