"HOT WHEELS" Air Date:
September 29, 1978. In 'Hot Wheels' Diana Prince is
given a new undercover assignment: she is ordered to
infiltrate a ring of car thieves. This is not the
government giving Diana a more mundane assignment,
but is, instead, a desperate attempt to locate a
stolen Rolls Royce that has a top-secret microfilm
hidden in its hood ornament. "THE DEADLY SUNG" Air
Date: October 6, 1978. -The Deadly Sting' brings
Diana to college for the first time when she's told
that star football players have begun to throw
important championship games. Although local
authorities suspect that this has something to do
with illegal betting, the government is convinced
that it involves mind control. Wonder Woman must
uncover the truth before madman Bill Michaels begins
to move his mind control efforts outside college
stadiums. *** Casting note: 'Deadly Sting. guest
star Ron Ely is *laps best known for portraying
Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tartan in the television
series of the same name. He also took the lead role
in the feature am Doc Savage, Man of Bronze, served
as the host for several years of the Miss America
contest and is, today, a successful novelist. Wonder
Woman star Lynda Carter would co-star with him again
in an episode of her 1995 syndicated western series,
Hawkeye. The actress reflected to journalist Habie
J. Mato, "Ron was great to work with, both limes.
And he's such a big go. In Hawkeye, he played this
evil character who had to pick me up over this
wagon. He lifted me up Ike I was a feather. I felt
Ike I was just a piece of balsa wood'". |