"SCREAMING JAVELINS" Air Date: January 20, 1978. In
"Screaming Javelins", a large number of championship
Olympic athletes are mysteriously disappearing,
threatening the wodd games. Wonder Woman begins to
investigate the situation, and learns that each man
has been kidnapped by someone named Marion Mariposa
-but they are not being held for ransom. Instead,
Mariposa has taken them so that they will compete in
his own version of the Olympics, to be held in a
country called Mariposalia - which exists somewhere
in his mind. "DIANA'S DISAPPEARING ACT" Air Date:
February 3, 1978. The real world intrudes itself in
"Diana's Disappearing Act" in which the price of the
world's oil supply is being threatened with
devastating price increases due to negotiations
between an alchemist named Count Cagliostro and a
Middle Eastern oil supplier. Cagliostro claims to
have honed the ability to turn lead into gold, and
the oil supplier wants to capitalize on it no matter
what it takes. *** Casting notes: In "Screaming
Javelins", Marion Mariposa is portrayed by actor
Henry Gibson, best known for his numerous &wader
vignettes on the then-revolutionary variety series,
Rowan & Martin's laugh in Also guest starring in the
episode is Rids SpringfieId, who would gain great
success on the soap opera General Hospital, before
launching a movie/TV/music career that included the
TV movie Nick Knight in which he portrayed a vampire
police officer that would be featured in a
cult-favorite 1V series called Forever Knight (which
would recast the lead role with Geraint Wyn Davies).
"Diana's Disappearing Act" guest stars Dick Gautier
as Count Cagliostro. Gautier, of course, was used to
great effect as Hymie the Robot on the James Bond
spoof series, Get Smart, and also stoned in Mel
Brooks' shod-lived take on the Robin Hood legend,
When Things Were Rotten St Elsewhere's Ed Begley,
Jr. also locoed to the Wonder Woman fold, though in
a role entirely different from the one he portrayed
in "The Fine Art of Clime".". |