IN DISGUISE" Air Date: February 10, 1978. After
battling alchemists and mad toymakers, Wonder Woman
comes a bit more down to earth in "Death in
Disguise." Diana Prince is given the assignment of
protecting millionaire industrialist Carlo
Indrezzano, whose plans threaten the power base of
undisclosed others. Not willing to allow anyone to
usurp their power, these unnamed enemies dispatch a
team of hit men to kill Indrezzano, unaware that
they're going to be going up against Wonder Woman
instead. "IRAC IS MISSING" Air Date: February 17,
1978. "IRAC is Missing" features the efforts of
computer genius Bernard Havitol to steal the
memories of the world's greatest computer -
including IRAC, the one computer that knows Diana
Prince is actually Wonder Woman - and using the
accumulated knowledge to literally take over the
world. Not only is the Amazon desperately trying to
stop modem civilization from being propelled back to
more primitive times, she is attempting to preserve
her own identity. *** There is something charming
about "IRAC is Missing" in the sense that it
predates the true computer age, postulating the
notion that all of the world's knowledge could be
captured by taking control of a number of key - and
unbelievably large -computers. Considering that the
concept of computers - particularly home computers -
was foreign to the vast majority of the show's
viewers, it doesn't seem unreasonable to accept that
a large number of people would believe this concept.
Casting note: "IRAC is Missing" guest stars the late
Ross Martin as Bernard Havitol Although well known
as a character actor, Martin enjoyed his greatest
popularity portraying makeup genius Artemus Gordon
on the western spy series The Wild Wild West (the
role was portrayed by Kevin Kline in the recent Bony
Sonnenfeld feature film adaptation of the series).". |