Washington D.C. - A recent evening long after midnight. Summoned in
the middle of the night,
Diana Prince
Steve Trevor
Joe Atkinson
learn that
Dr. Theodore Wilson
a prominent scientist in the field of psychokinesis, has vanished
from his office. When last seen, Dr. Wilson was working in his lab
a Japanese National, and
Wilson's assistant. |
Upon examination of the lab, Diana and Steve find a hidden
camera that makes tapes of Wilson's experiments. One particular tape
shows Wilson and Ishida working with a machine that can harness the
force of man's mind. Ishida has that specially trained mind with very
special brain waves and has just successfully completed a
demonstration. Realizing this is an incredible breakthrough, Wilson
reaches for the telephone to call the Pentagon when Ishida stops him.
He grabs the machine and Dr. Wilson, and the tape goes dead. He is now
on the loose with this astounding power. He must be found. |
Diana decides to investigate the house of Takeo Ishida. She
finds a beautiful home surrounded by a brick wall. Unable to gain
access to the grounds, she whirls into Wonder Woman and vaults upward, peers through a window and stares in amazement. Among the
traditional Japanese items is an array of Wonder Woman items news
clippings, pictures and toys - and most of them at least 35 years old.
In the corner of the room is a shrine-altar with two photographs, one
of Wonder Woman and one of a young man, and Japanese swords.
Everything is draped in black. |
In the meantime, Ishida has Dr. Wilson hidden in a van a few
doors from the house. They notice Steve and Wonder Woman conversing,
and she then leads Steve into the house. Dr. Wilson tries to escape,
but Ishida overpowers him. He is a prisoner. |
Once in the house, Steve notices a Wonder Woman doll that was sold
during the second World War. He is disturbed at the interest Ishida has
in Wonder Woman. Steve is familiar with the Japanese custom of setting
one room aside for the dead, complete with shrine, picture, and black
cloth. |
Diana is determined to find out who the young man in the photo
is. She visits the Japanese Embassy and is given permission to use the
microfilm machine. |
While Diana is occupied at the Embassy, Ishida is using his telekinetic
powers. While Steve is out of his office, he types a message on Steve's
typewriter. Supposedly, it is from Wonder Woman telling Steve she has
developed a lead on Dr. Wilson and for him to meet her at Los Alamos.
Steve is puzzled. He has never been contacted this way, but he leaves
immediately. |
Meanwhile, Diana has discovered the young man's family name is
Ishida. Upon further investigation, she finds his parents died of
natural causes in an American relocation camp in New Mexico during
World War II. The boy disappeared at the end of the war. Satisfied
with this information, she returns to her office. She sees the message
Steve received and prepares immediately to leave for New Mexico. She
knows Steve is running into a trap. |
Steve, thinking he is going to meet Wonder Woman, is driving in
the empty, desolate desert; Ishida is concentrating on controlling the
jeep telekinetically. He succeeds, and Steve loses control. |
Steve finds himself in the middle of a deserted relocation camp. Ishida
is pleased with himself. His plan worked well. He dresses himself in the
traditional clothes of a Samurai and waits for Wonder Woman. |
She arrives shortly thereafter. She learns that Steve and Dr.
Wilson are locked in the camp prison. Ishida is bitter. He tells
Wonder Woman that 35 years ago he, his parents, and brother-were
interned in this camp. He blames Wonder Woman for the death of his
parents, but mostly for the death of his younger brother. Wonder Woman
argues she saved his brother and will reunite them. |
Disbelieving this, Ishida starts concentrating intensely on a
steel post. Within moments, the post falls toward Wonder Woman. She
leaps 20 feet in the air and escapes. She next tosses a
boulder aside and, within seconds, stops a speeding car. Ishida is
startled at this display of strength. |
Watching this from their prison cell are Steve and Dr Wilson.
The only way to step Ishida is to break the machine. In the process of
doing this, the circuits overload and the machine bursts into flames.
Both are overcome by smoke. |
Wonder Woman:
"Your powers are
gone now Ishida." |
"Only because yours was greater than mine, Wonder Woman." |
Wonder Woman: "We all have powers, Ishida. What makes them special
is the way we use them. Is true that mine proved greater than yours...
but mine are used for good, while yours..." |
- Wonder Woman takes off her bracelets and golden belt off . |
Wonder Woman: "Well, I have no powers now." |
Ishida tries to attack Wonder Woman with his samurai saber. |
Wonder Woman:
"Why do you hesitate?" |
"Is to give you a
moment to prepare for death." |
Wonder Woman:
"I don't believe your samurai code allows you to strike down a
defenseless opponent." |
"I have waited a
whole lifetime for this moment." |
Wonder Woman:
"Because a 6-year-old boy believes he saw what never happened." |
"I do not yet know
the truth.... You're right. I cannot strike." |
Ishida has now lost his power. He realizes he is wrong. Dr.
Wilson is truly a friend. As Wonder Woman kicks down the door, Ishida
risks his life by following her into the burning cell and the two men
are rescued. |
Days later, Diana visits Ishida at his home. He is prepared to
go to jail an pay for his sins. Diana informs him that Steve, Dr.
Wilson, and the Government have dropped their charges in the hope that
he will use his powerful mind for the good of mankind. He agrees most
humbly. Diana and Steve leave for a few minutes and return with his
long lost brother. |
Later, Steve, Diana and Joe Atkinson speaks to the President at the
Security Room: |
"...but the mind behind the machine really has been repaired, hasn't it?
I would hate to think Dr. Wilson's work would end up being much ado
about nothing" |
"It works all right, sir. We simply didn't plug in. Their meeting after
all these years was a beautiful moment." |
"There were some tragic errors after the hysteria that followed Pearl
Harbor". |
Diana: "I guess that's why pencils have erasers. It's a shame but we
learn from our mistakes." |
Steve Trevor:
"We've learned that East is no longer simply 'East'". |
"Agreed. Our relationship with Japan has never been better". |
Joe Atkinson:
"And Wonder Woman
should certainly get an assist". |