December 2, 1977 December 9, 1977. Wonder Woman
dives heavily into science fiction in the two-part
"Mind Stealers From Outer Space". The alien Andros
returns to earth, and he sets about convincing
Wonder Woman that earth is in great peril. It seems
that a band of outlaws from his planet - who call
themselves the Skrill - have been coming to earth
and taking over human bodies, stealing the minds of
their physical hosts in the process. Their goal is
to learn all that they can from the greatest minds
in America, and use that knowledge to lay down the
groundwork for an alien invasion and, ultimately,
human subjugation. Well, Wonder Woman simply isn't
going to stand for it! *** While it seems that the
science fiction genre has come into Its own only in
the last decade or so, many people seem to have
forgotten just how prolific the genre was back in
the 1970s, even prior to the release of the original
Star Wars "Mind Stealers From Outer Space" is
certainly a tribute to this, as it offers a hybrid
of elements from Star W! is (the Skulls appear in a
Darth Vaderesque visage) and Invasion of Me Body
Snatchers Interesting relationship moment in this
episode in the sense that for the vast majority of
Wonder Woman's run, she seems to have been
interested in only Steve Trevor, effectively
eliminating any other romantic possibilities in the
show However, there is definitely some flirting
going on here between the Amazon and the alien (now
that could have been the name of an episode).
Casting note Vincent Van Patten son of veteran actor
Dick Van Patten, guest suers as Andros." |