BEAUTY ON PARADE Air Date: October 13, 1976.
Wonder Woman's alter-ego, Diana Prince, enters a
suspicious beauty contest to uncover the truth
behind the sabotage of radar scanning equipment in
'Beauty on Parade'. What she and Steve Trevor
discover is that there is something much more
insidious underway that threatens the security of
BILLS Air Date: January 8, 1977. In 'The Last
of the Two Dollar Bills', the Nazis place an exact
double of a top official in the US State Bureau of
Printing to engage in a counterfeiting scheme that
will result in the collapse of the American economy.
When Warner Bros. decided to take another crack at
developing a pilot based on the Wonder Woman comic
book following the 1974 Cathy Lee Crosby effort,
there was some question as to whether or not the
setting should be during modern times or World War
II. At a meeting with executives, guiding force
Douglas Cramer reportedly suggested, 'Let's stop
fooling around with modernizing this thing. The
network liked the comic strip, so let's just do a
live-action version of the original. We'll put it
back in 1942, an age of innocence when you could
tell the good guys from the bad guys; and we'll get
a dark-haired girl who looks like the girl in the
strip. She should be built like a javelin-thrower,
but with the sweet face of a Mary Tyler Moore.'
Naturally, they found that dark-haired girl in Lynda
Carter, whose success in the role was immediate,
resulting in the production of several 'specials'
(actually, one-hour episodes that were not aired on
a regular basis). At the time, then ABC senior vice
president and current Disney head Michael Eisner,
told TV Guide, 'We are delighted to add Wonder Woman
and Lynda Carter to our prime-time entertainment
schedule. We will offer the Wonder Woman specials in
different lengths on a pre-emptive basis.' The
weekly series started shortly thereafter. " |