has been written about Hollywood marriages, or more specifically, about
the age-old "curse on Hollywood marriages. Story after story has. been
printed about the pressures, the temptations and the anxietes--that lead
so many couples to the courthouse steps seeking a "disillusion of
marriage." |
There's no denying that many movie-star unions
end up with papers being served,, but Movie Mirror thought you would
like to-hear about those Hollywood marriages that could make the Hall of
Fame,- the marriages? that -are as solid as a rock! |
"I now understand why-marriage still exists,"
confesses-Lynda Carter.' "It's different from Iiving together, from
-being together There is- a whole 'bigger commitment -And it is just
that commitment that. the former Wonder Woman and Hollywood's super
.agent feel keeps their marriage alive and growing! Lynda insists the
marriage comes first. "I'd give up my career in a second, if I felt it
was in conflict with what Ron and I have together," Lynda says. |
Ron loves to shower his beautiful wife with
gifts such as expensive antique cars and diamond brace-lets, necklaces,
earrings and such. He's even designed quite a few pieces of jewelry that
he's gifted her with. As much as Lynda loves the flash from the diamonds
Ron brings home, most of them end up in the bank vault. It is his other
qualities that she treasures. "I went out With a couple of guys
be-fore," she says, "but I was looking for someone strong and gentle
without being macho, someone I could. rely on. Nobody can mess with me
or take advantage of me because of Ron. I don't see my career
threatening our relationship,. but if it did, I'd quit. I'd follow Ron
to the ends of the earth." |
Though Ron represents Lynda, they are very
insistent that business ends in the office, home is for loving. `That's
their secret and Ron-makes you. believe him when he states: "We've got ;
a very beautiful. marriage. Neither of us competes with each other and
in a town like Hollywood that helps a show business marriage." |