LYNDA CARTER'S July opening in Las Vegas promises to be a sizzler—at
least according to the publicity campaign being organized to launch her
nightclub debut. Reportedly, $150,000 is being spent to "hype" her
opening. But one big question remains: can Lynda really sing? Few people
have ever heard her. |
Stunning Lynda Carter played her role to
perfection as TV's "Wonder Woman" by carrying new husband Ron Samuels
over the "threshold" following their glamorous May 28 Hollywood wedding.
Laughter and tears marked the actual marriage ceremony held outdoors in
an elegant gar. den at the home of best man Jack Litt: Lynda, 25, cried
throughout as she took hex vows — and at one point forgot her lines.
For-mer Hollywood columnist Sue Cameron, a friend of the couple, said:
"Lynda had rehearsed what she wanted to say to Ron during the ceremony,
and in the middle of her speech she forgot some thing. |
"So she started to laugh (through her tears)
and she said, `Oh, I forgot that part!' And every-body laughed with her. |
The 100 guests in attendance included such
celebrities as Jaclyn Smith of "Charlie's An-gels" and her escort, actor
Dennis Cole, Liz Torres, formerly of "Phyllis" and now of "All In the
Family," and Roz Kelly, who played Pinky Tuscadero on "Happy Days." |
The nondenominational ceremony of Lynda and
Ron, the 34-year-old manager of "Bionic Worn-an" Lindsay Wagner ended as
a mariachi band stood by. |
"The minute the minister said: `You may
kiss the bride' — that great Mexican music came up and everybody
clapped," Sue said. |
The wedding had a Mexican theme because Lynda
is half Mexican, Sue explained. Both, the bride's parents attended,
although they're divorced. Lynda's father, Colby Carter, gave her away
while mother Jeanne stood by. |
Lynda popped the traditional piece of wedding
cake into Ron's mouth — but was lucky she had a wedding cake at all. It
was de-livered in a bakery van, and on one of its stops on the way to
the wedding — the top of the cake was stolen. |
To everyone's delight, Lynda flexed her "Wonder
Woman" muscles during the reception, Sue recalled.' |
"Instead of the traditional thing of the bride
being carried over the threshold, Lynda picked Ron up ala `Wonder Woman'
and began walking around the garden carrying him!" |
Afterward, the couple flew off for Hawaii. And
it's presumed that Ron carried Lynda over the threshold of their
honeymoon suite. |