Burnett's husband, producer Joe Hamilton must be the most understanding
man in all television. |
When Carolw as preparing to launch her CBS variety show a year ago, she
said: |
"Joe, how about finding me a gorgeous hunk of man to serve as both
announcer and comedy sketch man for the show?" |
"Somebody like Rock Hudson maybe?" Joe, who produces her show,
suggested. |
"Yeah, that's it, Joe. In fact you might tryto get Rock if he's not tied
up." |
Well, as it turned out, Rock was busy making money in movies. |
So a gorgeous hank of a man known as Lyle Waggoner won the job. |
When I talked with Carol before the show started she spoke glowingly of
Waggoner's looks and talent. She was right on both counts. |
Tall (5-4, 200 punds) and handsome (hazel eyes, brown hair), Waggoner is
one of the few adults in show business who makes nos ecret of his
birthday - Friday, April 13, 1935. |
Born in Kansas, he grew up in Missouri and at one time aimed to be a
corporation executive. |
career was abandoned for show business after Waggoner played a muscle
man in a road-company production of "Li'l Abner." |
"It wasn't much of a role, but after that, I just knew I never be happy
sitting at a desk," he says. |
"So I worked my way to Los Angeles as a salesman and just three years
ago, enrolled in acting class, acquired an agent and soon was doing TV
commercials. |
"That led to a contract with 20th Century Fox, which in turn led to my
landing a job with Carol." |
Waggoner attracts a pile of fan mails, specially from the girls. |
All are heart-broken to learn that, alas, Waggoner not only is married
to a beaty -Sharon kennedy, whose looks won her a string of beauty
titles. |
Carol, couldn't land Rock Hudson, but she might well wind up creating
one of her own. Waggoner is being groomed for such stardom by 20th
Century Fox. He has a seven-year movie and TV contract. |