has been more than 20 years since she wore that formfitting superhero
costume of red, white, and blue, but many people persist in thinking of
Carter only as Wonder Woman. |
"It's a definite label
that's been put on me," she says. "But I've never really minded it. The
show has something of a cult following. I'm thrilled to be a cult
figure. It's a blast." |
Like her Amazon
princess/superhero character, Carter, a 5'10" Miss World U.S.A., had it
all: good looks, keen mind, graceful athleticism, fiercely independent
spirit. Is it any wonder Wonder Woman (1976-79) and Carter still have
adoring fans? |
"The comments I get,
they're definitely from both ends of the spectrum. For young men
basically, Wonder Woman was strictly an adolescent fantasy. But there
are women who tell me Wonder Woman was the first show that gave them a
female hero." |
The actress, still stunning at 48, has one of the old costumes and the
trademark tiara and bracelets enshrined in a glass case in her Potomac,
Maryland, home. But she's never tempted to try them on again. "That
would be a little sad, don't you think? That was several lifetimes ago." |
Carter starred in two other series (Partners in Crime in 1984 and
Hawkeye 1994-95) and many TV movies. But her priority today is home and
family. Carter and her husband of 15 years, Robert Altman, a Washington,
D.C., attorney, have two preteen children, Jamie and Jessica. Their
lives were turned upside down in 1991 when Altman was accused of fraud
in the BCCI banking scandal, but he was acquitted in '93. "It was a
tragic time," she says. "But we're stronger because of it." |
Carter still acts occasionally, but she finds being a hands-on mom more
rewarding. "I waited awhile to have my family, and this is the good
stuff." |