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The Brave And The Bold Presents Justice League Of America # 28 - Feb-March 1960.
Cover Credits: Artists: Mike Sekowsky (penciler) and Murphy Anderson (inker). Letterer: Ira Schnapp. "Starro the Conqueror" (28 Pages)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: "Starro vs. Green Lantern"
Chapter 3: "Starro vs. Wonder Woman and John Jones, Manhunter from Mars"
Chapter 4: "Starro vs. the Flash"
Chapter 5: "Starro vs. Justice League of America"Credits: Editor, plotter: Julius Schwartz. Plotter, scripter: Gardner Fox. Penciler: Mike Sekowsky. Inkers: Bernard Sachs (Chapters 1, 3, 5) and Joe Giella (Chapter 2) and Murphy Anderson (Chapter 4) Letterer: Gaspar Saladino. Note: Guest Appearance by Steve Trevor (in between Wonder Woman #112 and 114).
The Brave And The Bold Presents Justice League Of America # 29 - Apr-May 1960.
Cover Credits: Artists: Mike Sekowsky (penciler) and Murphy Anderson (anker). Letterer: Ira Schnapp
"Challenge of the Weapons Master" (28 Pages). Credits: Editor, plotter: Julius Schwartz. Plotter, scripter: Gardner Fox Penciler: Mike Sekowsky. Inkers: Bernard Sachs (Chapters 1, 3, 5) and Joe Giella (Chapters 2 and 4) Letterer: Gaspar Saladino.
The Brave And The Bold Presents Justice League Of America # 30 - June-July 1960.
Cover Credits: Artists: Mike Sekowsky (penciler) and Murphy Anderson (anker). Letterer: Ira Schnapp. "Case of the Stolen Super-Powers" (27 Pages). Credits: Editor, plotter: Julius Schwartz Plotter, scripter: Gardner Fox Penciler: Mike Sekowsky Inker: Bernard Sachs Letterer: Gaspar Saladino.
The Brave and the Bold # 60 - Teen Titans - Jul '65 [32 pages / Cover Price: $ 0.12].
The Atounding Separated Man.
The Brave and the Bold # 63 - Supergirl and Wonder Woman - Jan '66 [32 pages / Cover Price: $ 0.12].
The Revolt of the Super-Chicks [Bob Haney (Script), John Rosenberger (Pencils), John Rosenberger (Inks), Jim Mooney (Cover)].
The Brave and the Bold # 78 - Batman and Wonder Woman - July '68 [32 pages / Cover Price: $ 0.12].
In the Coils of Copperhead! [ Bob Haney (Script), Bob Brown (Pencils), Bob Brown (Inks), Bob Brown (Cover).
The Brave and the Bold # 87 - Batman and Wonder Woman - Jan '69 [32 pages / Cover Price: $ 0.15].
The Widow-Maker! [ Bob Haney (Script), Bob Brown (Pencils), Bob Brown (Inks), Bob Brown (Cover).
Note: New Wonder Woman.
The Brave and the Bold # 105 - Batman and Wonder Woman - Feb '73 [32 pages / Cover Price: $ 0.20].
Play Now…Die Later! [Bob Haney (Script), Jim Aparo (Pencils), Jim Aparo (Inks), Jim Aparo ( Letters), Jim Aparo (Cover).
Note: New Wonder Woman.
The Brave and the Bold # 116 - Batman and The Spectre - Jan '75 [100 pages / Cover Price: $ 0.60].
In the Coils of Copperhead! [Bob Haney (Script), Bob Brown (Pencils), Bob Brown (Inks), Jim Aparo, Bob Brown, Nick Cardy (Cover).
Note: Reprints The Brave and Bold #78.
The Brave and the Bold # 131 - Batman and Wonder Woman - Dec '76 [32 pages / Cover Price: $ 0.30].
Take 7 Steps To... Wipe Out! [Bob Haney (Script), Jim Aparo (Pencils), Jim Aparo (Inks), Jim Aparo ( Letters), Jim Aparo (Cover).
The Brave and the Bold # 140 - Batman and Wonder Woman - April '78 [32 pages / Cover Price: $ 0.35].
Dasterdly Events Aboard The Hellship! [Bob Haney (Script), Jim Aparo (Pencils), Jim Aparo (Inks), Jim Aparo (Letters), Jerry Serpe (Colors), Jim Aparo (Cover).
The Brave and the Bold # 158 - Batman and Wonder Woman - Jan '80 [32 pages / Cover Price: $ 0.40].
Dasterdly Events Aboard The Hellship! [Gerry Conway (Script), Jim Aparo (Pencils), Jim Aparo (Inks), Jim Aparo ( Letters), Jerry Serpe (Colors), Jim Aparo (Cover).
The Brave and the Bold # 172 - Batman and Firestorm - Mar. '81 [36 pages / Cover Price: $ 0.50].
Cover: Jim Aparo.
Darkness and Dark Fire. Gerry Conway (Script), Carmine Infantino (Pencils), Steve Mitchell (Inks), Adrienne Roy (Colors), John Costanza (Letters). Note: Featuring an appearance by Wonder Woman and otehr heroes.
Pirate's Peril. Cary Burkett (Script), Dan Spiegle (Pencils), Dan Spiegle (Inks), Gene D'Angelo (Colors), John Costanza (Letters).
The Brave and the Bold # 197 - Batman and Catwoman - Apr. '83 [36 pages / Cover Price: $ 0.60].
Cover: Jim Aparo.
The Autobiography of Bruce Wayne. Alan Brennert (Script), Joe Staton (Pencils), George Freeman (Inks), Adrienne Roy (Colors), John Costanza (Letters).
Note: Featuring an appearance by Wonder Woman and other heroes, all in a flashback sequence.
If you believe there's any correction or additions to be made, please feel free to e-mail.
Wonder Woman character is copyright © 1942-Present by DC Comics. All Rights Reserved. All covers are used here only with informative purposes and do intend to make any copyright infringements. Wonder Woman created by Charles Moulton. All "Brave and The Bold" and related covers and characters reproduced here are copyright © 1960-Present by DC Comics.
DISCLAIMER: "Wonder Woman" comics are ™ and © 1942-Present by DC Comics. "WONDER WOMAN", its related properties and all of the DC Comics characters, names and indicia are the property of DC COMICS. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication, or distribution in any form is expressly prohibited. All information and pictures on this site are used with informational purposes only and do not intend any copyright infringement. This internet site, its operators and any content contained on this site relating to "Wonder Woman" and any DC Comics characters are not authorized by DC COMICS.
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