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Wonder Woman - 1972 [192 pages / Cover Price: $].
[Gloria Steinem (Introduction), Phyllis Chesler (Interpretive Essay), Bea Feitler (Designer), H.G. Peters (Cover)].
Introducing Wonder Woman All Star Comics #8
Wonder Woman in America Sensation Comics #1 Battle for Womanhood Wonder Woman #5 Icebound Maidens Wonder Woman #13 Girl with the Gun Sensation Comics #20 The Redskins Revenge Wonder Woman #17 When Treachery Wore a Green Shirt Sensation Comics #81 The Mysterious Prisoners of Anglonia - Sensation Comics #62 Girl from Yesterday Wonder Woman #38 Five Tasks of Thomas Tighe Wonder Woman #38 Lawbreakers League Sensation Comics #46 The Case of the Girl in Braces Sensation Comics #50 The Crime of Boss Brekel Sensation Comics #51 Note: Hardcover by Bonanza Books. Size 8.75x 11.5. Full color reprint stories are as listed:
The Encyclopedia of Comic Book Heroes Volume 2 - Wonder Woman 1976 [253 pages / Cover Price: $7.95].
[Michael L. Fleisher (Author), H.G. Peters (Cover)]. Note: Softcover by Collier Books.
Note: Primarily text covering everything about Wonder Woman comics from A to Z with a number of illustrations throughout the book. Size - 8x 11.
Wonder Woman - 78 [258 pages / Cover Price: $1.25].
[Tempo Books (Publisher), H.G. Peters (Cover)].
Wonder Womans Lasso Wonder Woman #50
The Bird Who Revealed Wonder Womanss Identity Wonder Woman #76
Wonder Womans Wedding Day Wonder Woman #70 The Secret Invasion Wonder Woman #63 The Talking Tiara Wonder Woman #66 Origin of the Amazon Plane Wonder Woman #80 Note: Paperback book by Tempo Books. Size 4.25x 7. Black and white reprint stories are as listed:
Wonder Woman: Cheetah on the Prowl - 1982 [61 pages / Cover Price: $].
[Andrew Helfer (Script), Ross Andru (Pencils), Dick Giordano (Inks), Carl Gafford (Colors), Todd Klein (Letters), Ross Andru (Cover), Michael Kingsbury Frith (Narration].
Note: Storytape and Book by Fisher Price. Text and illustrations. Origin of Wonder Woman. Villain appearance: Cheetah. Size 6.75x 9.25.
The Greatest Golden Age Stories Ever Told 1990
Reprints Wonder Woman First Series #13 The Ice Bound Maidens
Further Adventures of Wonder Woman - 1993 [342 pages / Cover Price: $5.99].
[Various (Author) , Joe DeVito (Cover)]. Candys Wonder Cure Elizabeth Ann Acarborough Behind the Screen Henry Slesar The Shores of Morning Karen Haber Mercury Man Will Murray Somebodys Baby Mindy Newell Happy Hunting Ground Edward Wellen The Linda Nesselrode Tapes Joey Cavalieri Diana and the Djinn Pamela Sargent Note: Paperback Novel. Size 4.25 x 7.
Wonder Woman: Featuring over Five Decades of Great Covers - 1995 [320 pages / Cover Price: $11.95].
[Gloria Steinem (Introduction), Joe DeVito (Cover)]. Note: Softcover. Reprints 300 covers from golden age to current Wonder Woman related comics. Size - 4x 4.5.
Wonder Woman: Gods and Goddesses - 1997 [310 pages / Cover Price: $20.00].
[John Byrne (Author) , Joe DeVito (Cover)]. Note: Hardbound Novel. Size 6.25 x 9.5.
Wonder Woman Archives Volume 1 DC Archive Editions - 1998 [240 pages / Cover Price: $ 49.95].
[William Moulton Marston (Script), Harry G. Peter (Artwork), H.G. Peter (Dust Jacket)]
Forward by Judy Collins / All Star Comics No. 8 / Sensation Comics No. 1 / Sensation Comics No. 2 / Sensation Comics No. 3 / Sensation Comics No. 4 / Sensation Comics No. 5 / Sensation Comics No. 6 / Sensation Comics No. 7 / Sensation Comics No. 8 / Sensation Comics No. 9 / Wonder Woman No. 1 / Sensation Comics No. 10 / Sensation Comics No. 11 / Sensation Comics No. 12 / Sensation Comics No. 5 / Biographies: William Moulton Marston, Harry G. Peter.
Note: Hardbound book sized format 7x10 ½ . Full color reprints of original covers and Wonder Woman stories - Sensation Comics reprint only the Wonder Woman story. [See original comic title listed in this web site for each individual reprint issue details]
Wonder Woman Archives Volume 2 DC Archive Editions - 2000 [240 pages / Cover Price: $ 49.95].
[William Moulton Marston (Script), Harry G. Peter (Artwork), H.G. Peter (Dust Jacket)]
Forward by Diana Schutz / Wonder Woman No. 2 / Sensation Comics No. 13 / Sensation Comics No. 14 / Wonder Woman No. 3 / Sensation Comics No. 15 / Sensation Comics No. 16 / Wonder Woman No. 4 / Sensation Comics No. 17 / Biographies: William Moulton Marston, Harry G. Peter.
Note: Hardbound book sized format 7x10 ½ . Full color reprints of original covers and Wonder Woman stories - Sensation Comics reprint only the Wonder Woman story. [See original comic title listed in this web site for each individual reprint issue details].
JLA: A League of One - 2000 [108 pages / Cover Price: $24.95].
[Christopher Moeller (Script), Christopher Moeller (Pencils), Bill Oakley (Letters), Christopher Moeller (Cover)]. Note: Hardbound Graphic Novel. Features JLA with Wonder Woman main story character. Size 7x 10.5.
Wonder Woman: The Complete History - 2000 [226 pages / Cover Price: $].
[Les Daniaels (Author) , Alex Ross (Covers)].
Note: Hardbound Book containing texts, illustrations, covers, comic strips, photographs, toys, and more. Reprints first series Wonder Woman covers #1 144. Size 8.25x 10.25.
Wonder Woman Archives Volume 3 DC Archive Editions - 2002 [240 pages / Cover Price: $ 49.95].
[William Moulton Marston (Script), Harry G. Peter and Frank Godwin (Artwork), Harry G. Peter (Dust Jacket)].
Forward by Les Daniels / Sensation Comics No. 18 / Sensation Comics No. 19 / Wonder Woman No. 5 / Sensation Comics No. 20 / Sensation Comics No. 21 / Wonder Woman No. 6 / Sensation Comics No. 22 / Sensation Comics No. 23 / Sensation Comics No. 24 / Wonder Woman No. 7 / Biographies: William Moulton Marston, Harry G. Peter, Frank Godwin.
Note: Hardbound book sized format 7x10 ½ . Full color reprints of original covers and Wonder Woman stories - Sensation Comics reprint only the Wonder Woman story. [See original comic title listed in this web site for each individual reprint issue details].
Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia - 2002 [92 pages / Cover Price: $24.95].
[Greg Rucka (Script), J.G. Jones (Pencils), Wade von Grawbadger (Inks), Dave Steward (Colors), Todd Klein (Letters), J.G. Jones (Cover)].
Note: Hardbound Graphic Novel. Features Batman. Size 7x 10.5.
Justice League of America - Wonder Woman: Mythos - 2003 [304 pages / Cover Price: $6.99].
[Carol Lay (Author) , Alex Ross (Cover)]. Note: Paperback Novel. Size 6.25 x 9.5. Justice League of America featuring Wonder Woman.
Wonder Woman the Ultimate Guide to the Amazon Princess - $24.99 DK Publishing Inc, 2003 - 144 pages
[Phil Jimenez (Forward), Scott Beatty (Author), Robert Perry, Dan Bunyan (Designer), Adam Hughes, Brian Bolland, George Perez, John Byrne, Alex Ross, Phil Jimenez, H.G Peters, Trina Robbins, Mike Deodato Jr., Ross Andru and Mike Esposito, plus others (Artists), Adam Hughes Cover)]. Major Categories Include: Wonder Woman' World, Wonder Womans's Allies, Wonder Woman's Enemies, Wonder Woman's Career. Note: British and American Editions only difference is covers. Text and Illustrations covering 60 years of Wonder Woman comics with numerous illustrations throughout the book. Size - 10.25"x 12.25".
Wonder Woman: The Ultimate Guide to the Amazon Princess > Customer Review: Quite simply, this is a very beautifully done book covering the comic Book heroine Wonder Woman and her various supporting cast members. The book is split section by section covering the 60+ year history of the Amazon Princess. Wonder Womans powers and origin are described with gorgeously drawn and colored photos highlighting each aspect. The book then goes on to describe the various tools Diana uses from the lasso, invisible plane, to the lesser known items such as The Gauntlet of Atlas and Wings of Hermes. Wonder Womans family and friends (some of which are also costumed Wonder Women) each have thier own pages also, as well as Diana's enemies detailing their abilities and reasons for siding against the super powered heroine. This is a great book to get for those who are interested in learning more about the comic book version of the character. As a part of a series of books detailing DC Comics best known heroes, this detailed reference guide is also an easy to follow book. For those sticklers of accuracy, the book does have a few errors printed in it. A few of those are: the Amazon characters Pythia and Phithia are mistaken for each other and thus their histories are melded together, the book states that the evil Dark Angel created Wonder Womans sister Donna Troy when in fact it was the Amazon Magala, villain Armbruster is stated to have been Silver Swans pen pal when in fact he was the person who made her instead, mobster Paulie Longo is said to have hired the Cheetah in Boston when in fact it was fellow mobster Julianna Sazia, the godesses Hestia and Demeter are misidentified, and the index lists the Amazon Nubia is being shown but she is not. If you can overlook these mistakes, and the fact that the on-screen versions of the heroine are overlooked, this is the perfect book for all things wonder.
Wonder Woman Myths 2004 [48 pages / Cover Price $3.99].
[Clare Hibbert (Author), Dorling Kindersley Press]
I Am Wonder Woman 2004 [32 pages / Cover Price $3.99].
[Nina Jaffe (Author), Ben Caldwell (Illustrations).
The Arrival 2004 [32 pages / Cover Price $3.99].
[Nina Jaffe (Author), Ben Caldwell (Illustrations).
The Rain Forrest 2004 [32 pages / Cover Price $3.99].
[Nina Jaffe (Author), Ben Caldwell (Illustrations).
The Journey Begins 2004 [64 pages / Cover Price $4.99].
[Nina Jaffe (Author), Ben Caldwell (Illustrations).
The Contest 2004 [32 pages / Cover Price $3.99].
[Nina Jaffe (Author), Ben Caldwell (Illustrations).
Amazon Princess 2004 [32 pages / Cover Price $4.99].
[Nina Jaffe (Author), Ben Caldwell (Illustrations).
Wonder Woman Archives Volume 4 DC Archives Editions 2003 [233 pages / Cover Price: $49.99].
[William Moulton Marston (Script), Harry G. Peter (Artwork), H.G. Peter (Dust Jacket)].
Forward by Maggie Thompson / Sensation Comics No. 25 / Sensation Comics No. 26 / Sensation Comics No. 27 / Wonder Woman No. 8 / Sensation Comics No. 28 / Sensation Comics No. 29 / Sensation Comics No. 30 / Wonder Woman No. 9 / Sensation Comics No. 31 / Sensation Comics No. 32 / Biographies: William Moulton Marston, Harry G. Peter.
Notes: Hardbound book sized format 7 x 10 ½. Full color reprints of original covers and Wonder Woman stories Sensation Comics reprint only the Wonder Woman stories (see original comic title listed in this web site for each individual reprint issue details).
Trinity Hardcover Book '03 - [ 208 pages / Cover Price: $ 24.95].
Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman: Trinity [Matt Wagner (Script), Matt Wagner (Pencils), Matt Wagner (Inks), Dave Stewart (Colors), Sean Konot (Letters), Matt Wagner (Cover)]. Note: First meeting of Batman and Wonder Woman. First meeting of Superman and Wonder Woman.
Comic Cavalcade Archives Volume 1 DC Archives Editions 2005 [276 pages / Cover Price: $49.99].
[William Moulton Marston, Gardner Fox, Bill Finger and various (Script), Irwin Hasen, Harry G. Peter, Frank Godwin, Sheldon Moldoff and various (Artwork), various (Dust Jacket)].
Forward by Michael Uslan / Comic Cavalcade #1 / Comic Cavalcade #2 / Comic Cavalcade #3 / Biographies: various.
Notes: Hardbound book sized format 7 x 10 ½. Full color reprints of original covers and stories (see original comic title listed in this web site for each individual reprint issue details. Wonder Woman, The Flash and Green Lantern and many more.
If you believe there's any correction or additions to be made, please feel free to e-mail.
Wonder Woman character is copyright © 1942-Present by DC Comics. All Rights Reserved. All covers are used here only with informative purposes and do intend to make any copyright infringements. Wonder Woman created by Charles Moulton.
DISCLAIMER: "Wonder Woman" comics are and © 1942-Present by DC Comics. "WONDER WOMAN", its related properties and all of the DC Comics characters, names and indicia are the property of DC COMICS. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, duplication, or distribution in any form is expressly prohibited. All information and pictures on this site are used with informational purposes only and do not intend any copyright infringement. This internet site, its operators and any content contained on this site relating to "Wonder Woman" and any DC Comics characters are not authorized by DC COMICS.
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