WONDER WOMAN - © 1979 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

ACTION shot of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman (half back) with Sarah Purcell (Barbi Gordon) and Judge Reinhold (Jeff Gordon) from the episode "AMAZON HOT WAX". Friday, February 16, 1979.

Diana Prince (LYNDA CARTER) poses as singer Kathy Meadows and lands a trial contract to record with Eric Landau's (CURTIS CREDEL) Phoenix Records. Diana, in the studio recording her 'demo" record, sees Landau in the midst of a suspicious discussion with Marty (BOB HOY), an unsavory young man who appears to be threatening him verbally. But Diana must continue her song for as far as everyone at Phoenix is concerned she is a talented singer named Kathy and definitely not an agent on the IADC Force.

© 1979 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

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