WONDER WOMAN - © 1979 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

ACTION shot of LYNDA CARTER as Wonder Woman from the episode "THE MAN WHO COULD NOT DIE". CBS, Tuesday, August 28, 1979.

...At home, Diana is surprised by a man who is in her living room. He holds a gun on her and tells her to move toward the garage. Diana knows immediately it is one of Reichman's henchmen. He ties her hands and feet, goes to her car, leans in and starts the ignition. He leaves her in the garage. Bryce decides to pay her a visit but doesn't find her at home. He sees her purse on the floor and thinks something is wrong. He looks around the house and suddenly hears a faint call for help. Like a human cannonball, he crashes through the garage door and finds Diana sprawled out on the floor. When he finds out that one of Reichman's men did this to her, Bryce pales. He tells Diana that under orders from Reichman he stole Akers' papers for Reichman. Now, they both are worried. This means that Reichman can make hundreds of Bryces...

© 1979 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

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