WONDER WOMAN - © 1978 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

OFF-SCREEN candid shot of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman with stunt-woman Jeannie Epper.

"At that time, there were no 20-ish girls getting leads on TV. The only roles for young women were as girlfriend, hooker, secretary or mistress. They were always third or fourth banana. Item were women like Valeria Harper, Carol Burnett and Mary Tyler Moore, but they were from a different genre. 'Wonder Woman' was the first network show in which a woman my age had the lead. 'Bionic Worman' came on simultaneously, but that was a spinoff. As a result of the success of both shows, producers realized that young, pretty women could carry a series. 'Charlie's Angels,' 'Three's Company,' and all the rest of the beautiful body shows followed."

© 1978 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

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