WONDER WOMAN - © 1979 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

ACTION shot of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman from the episode of "THE BOY HWO KNEW HER SECRET, PART II" of "THE NEW ADVENTURES OF WONDER WOMAN". CBS, Tuesday, May 29, 1979.

...In the quiet suburban community of Crystal Lake, a strange power affects a selected few in the town. A man notices an odd shiny object in the distance. He jogs closer to it and discovers a very smooth, metallic looking object, the size of a fist and shaped like a solid equilateral triangle. He picks it up to examine it closely, but when he tries to put it down he cannot let go. Suddenly, it glows ominously. His expression becomes strangely placid, yet inside the tetrahedron his face appears -it is silent, but seems to cry out in both fear and wonder...

© 1979 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

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