WONDER WOMAN - © 1978 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

ACTION shot of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman and Julie Ann Haddock as Tina from the episode "THE GIRL FROM ILANDIA". CBS, Friday, April 7, 1978.

...Wonder Woman tells Tina she knows about Ilandia and about Tina and her powers. She promises that she will find the man who kidnapped her and make him take her back. They then demonstrate their powers to each other with Wonder Woman helping Tina -teaching her how to use her special powers. As Tina leaves to return to the house Wonder Woman calls the dog (Tiger). The dog immediately runs to Wonder Woman and she stares into the dog's face. A silent "conversation" is obviously transpiring. Wonder Woman leaves. On her way to the house, Tina is kidnapped by Bleaker's two men..

© 1978 by Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

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