WONDER WOMAN - © 1978 by Tony Esparza / Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

PROMOTIONAL shot of Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman from "THE NEW ADVENTURES OF WONDER WOMAN".

"The first time I saw her [Lynda Carter] was on screen and I liked her. The first time I met her in the flesh was more interesting. I went over to her apartment to talk to her about the role. Lynda looks quite different without the make-up on-she has bad eyes and such. So this girl comes to the door, a sort of plain-looking girl with big, thick glasses on. I said, "Lynda?" She said, "Stanley, I don't look like this at all," and she showed me an 8x10 glossy of herself." -Stanley Ralph Ross.

© 1978 by Tony Esparza / Warner Bros. TV / CBS-TV.

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