LYNDA CARTER - © 1978 by Tony Esparza.

PUBLICITY photo of LYNDA CARTER taken by CBS' photographer Tony Esparza.

"Since I was 13 years old, I've worked for eveything -my books, my clothes, everything. I worked doing odd jobs like kids do. You have your Saturday car washes at the gas station. I tried being a secretary. I worked in one of my uncle's restaurants and ended up owing money, because I broke so many dishes! (Laughs.) I was a secretary for three weeks for a Christian organization, and by the time I was done with their typing, there were so many of those white splotches on the letters I typed that they finally said: 'We really like you -you're a terrific girl- but we can't read anything!' But I was always in there punching."

© 1978 by Tony Esparza.

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