LYNDA CARTER - © 1978 by Tony Esparza.

PUBLICITY photo of LYNDA CARTER taken by CBS' photographer Tony Esparza.

"The casting-couch is not dead, it's simply disguised. I have heard conversations between filmmakers who speak of a girl as if she were a piece of meat. Shocking to me. That's where I think Lib should come in. It's a dupe on the female population. Just like nudity in pictures. The sexually explicit scenes-I would never film one. They serve no purpose. A dissolve or fade-out on a love scene can stimulate audience imagination rather than the actual act. Making love is a personal and private thing arid-to make a mockery of it is a real sin. I just don't think it necessary and it's a big con on the women in this country which is run by men."

© 1978 by Tony Esparza.

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