LYNDA CARTER - © 1977 by Tony Sparza / CBS-TV.

PUBLICITY photo of LYNDA CARTER taken by CBS' photographer Tony Esparza.

"I really believe that God is within each of us, the source of energy; and it's amazing how many people I've been meeting lately who feel this way. It's like an incredible wave of understanding. My sister is into it and people in our cast and crew are, also We have wonderful conversations. Some people would call me lucky, but I don't believe in luck. I believe I've been led and taught through so many experiences. We're each like a television set, fully equipped, but you have to turn the knob and use the power. The important thing is knowing that your spirituality is not for free. It is a gift, but you have to spend the time to fulfill whatever your destinies are."

© 1977 by Tony Esparza.

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