"GOING, GOING, GONE" Air Date: January 12,1979. In
"Going, Going, Gone", a former military scientist
named Como uses his expertise at lasers and
holography to create a threat that causes a Russian
pilot to jettison his cargo in the middle of the
ocean. Traveling to those coordinates via nuclear
submarine, Como retrieves that cargo: a nuclear
warhead. Now that warhead will go to the highest
bidder. Getting wind of the situation, Diana Prince
goes undercover and is eventually exposed and
captured. Como has her taken beneath the surface in
his sub, the plan being to jettison her body through
one of the torpedo tubes. What they don't expect is
for Wonder Woman -adorned in a new underwater outfit
- to show up and sink their plans. "SPACED OUT" Air
Date: January 26, 1979. International thief James
Kimball attempts to steal NASA's "collimating
crystals" in "Spaced Out". These crystals ore used
by the space agency to measure great distances, but
in the hands of those with more devious desires,
could serve as the basis of laser weapons. Through a
series of circumstances, the crystals end up at the
"Space Quest" (read: Star Trek) convention, which
serves as the backdrop of most of the story. Diana
as Wonder Woman must recover the crystals and put a
stop to Kimball's plans, calling on members of
sci-fi fandom to help her do so. *** Several
interesting casting notes. "Going, Going, Gone"
features guest stars Hari Rhodes and Kaz Garas.
Rhodes appeared as ape sympathizer Mr. MacDonald in
Conquest of the Planet of the Apes, while Garas had
portrayed Steve Trevor in the earlier incarnation of
Wonder Woman that starred Cathy Lee Crosby as the
Amazon princess. "Spaced Out" guest star Rene
Auberjonois would, ironically considering the
setting of the episode, go on to play an integral
role on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as the
shape-shifting Odo". |