members of
were in San
Francisco most
of this week to see Our Lady strut her stuff and sing to us each and
every evening at the
Empire Plush Room
at the York
Hotel in the
beautiful city by the bay. The magnificent performances by Lynda
only whetted our appetites to hear more of her beautiful singing,
and with the terrific success in setting records that smashed all
others for the
Empire Plush Room,
Lynda will be on the road for this year and next all over the
country, besides taking time to still act in films and do
philanthropic work for her favorite causes. |
arrived at the hotel
May 1st
to find the
Plush Room
doors next to the front desk, and while waiting for our room,
watched people going in and out of the doors, and finally someone
left them open. Peeking inside, we saw
dressed in a white shirt with a ruffled front, black slacks, dark
hair piled up on her head, rehearsing for the opening performance.
While the desk clerk was finding our reservation, we were astonished
to see Lynda striding out, looking around the lobby to see if
someone she was waiting for had arrived.
“Well, I guess he’s
not here yet”
she said, and walked back into the room to continue rehearsing. Even
with minimal makeup she looked stunningly beautiful, tall and
slender, and we looked forward to watching her later in that
evening’s show. |
Coming down
later to get in line, we found two other ahead of us,
David Johnson
and his friend
Helen. David, a
particular fan of Lynda’s short-lived series,
had a beautiful picture of Lynda from the show and a rare picture
disc of her
album. He lives in
San Francisco
and knows all of the
sites where the series was filmed. We excitedly talked about seeing
Lynda, and David mentioned that while waiting (he had been there
since 4:00 pm) he had seen her come into the hotel and get into the
elevator to go up to her room to dress. When
7:00 pm
came, the doors opened
and since there were no reservations, we were seated right up
against the small stage, right in front of the microphone, just 4
feet away. The Plush room is a small, intimate cabaret-style venue,
and perfect for
"An Intimate Evening with
Lynda Carter".
The room began to fill, and looking around, we noticed that Lynda’s
husband Robert
and her son
James had come
in and were sitting at a table behind us. Shortly before 8:00
pm members of her band came on stage and sat down. From left to
right were Sam
pianist, Andrew
Higgins, bass,
Jim Zimmerman,
drums, Josh
guitar, and Lynda’s old friend and accompanist
Johnny Harris,
who sat behind a keyboard while he directed the band, much as he had
done when he had toured with Lynda back in the 1980’s in the USA and
around the world. |
8:00 pm,
the doors closed, the room darkened, and the audience heard the a
few notes from the piano. From the right corner side of the room we
heard “Do I
Love You, Oh My, Do I, Honey…Dee..e..eed…I…Dooo”
and the night became
MAGIC for all who were there.
“Ladies and Gentlemen,
Lynda Carter”,
was announced, the full band struck up the song, and out strutted
Lynda, looking simply gorgeous, from the top of her dark chestnut
hair that tumbled over her shoulders to the tips of her silver lame
shoes, while the audience just erupted in roars and shouts and
cheers. She was dressed in a white long sleeved shirt open at the
neck with plaquet front, a jade pendent on a gold chain around her
white throat, black taffeta hip-hugging skirt that touched the
floor, and a wide black belt with gold buckle. With her ivory skin
and dark hair she looked like a
“slinky Snow White”
as another reviewer later called her. She batted her eyes, furrowed
her brows, and tossed that rich dark mane as she would pick out a
person in the audience and sing to them. When she saw the small
sign that sat at our table, her eyes lit up and she smiled with
genuine pleasure, so happy to see us, with a promise on her lips for
later. |
voice was richer, throatier, and much fuller than it had been in
past performances, like her many specials. After
20 years
of not singing professionally, it had not declined in quality, but
in our opinion had actually improved, and her beautiful soaring
dulcet tones filled the room. Her repertoire was improved, much
wider than her specials and earlier nightclub acts, with some jazz
and country-western, some blues and some skat, showtunes and
Broadway songs, some contemporary songs and consisted each evening
of: "Deed
I Do" / "God Bless The Child" / "Put The Blame On Mame" /
"Summertime" / "Hit Me With A Hot Note" / "An Oldies Medley ["The
Way You Look Tonight" / "The Very Thought Of You" / "As Time Goes
By"]" / "50 Ways To Leave Your Lover" / "Fever" / "The Secret Of
Life" / "Blues In The Night" / "Crazy" / "Cry Me a River" /
"Cloudburst" / "My Heart Belongs To Daddy" / "Where Have You Been?"
/ "Come Rain Or Come Shine" / "Can't Help Loving That Man Of Mine". |
talked about many of the songs and what they meant to her, how her
mother had influenced her in singing many types of songs like
“Blues in the Night”
or “Crazy”.
She mentioned how grateful she was for her success as
to allow her to branch out and become a popular singer, traveling
across the country and the world for many after years after the
television show had ended. As she introduced the song
“Put the Blame on
Mame”, she
mentioned how
Rita Hayworth,
whom Lynda had played in her movie
"rita hayworth: the
love goddess"
was forever typecast in the role of
“Now doesn’t
that sound strange,”
she said, as
she stood before the crown with her hands on her hips, looking like
a very familiar superheroine! She mentioned
“about a million years
ago,” as she
put it, (which no one in the audience could believe) how she had
sung during the
Miss World
finals in London
“God Bless the
Child”, and
told a story for the first time when she was performing with the US
Marine Corps Silent Drill Team for her fourth special,
Strutting down the rows of Marines, their spinning, flashing SHARP
bayonets behind her, she didn’t walk fast enough, and one bayonet
clipped her…..well, as she said,
“I needed a new dress
after that.”
And as she sang
“The Way You Look
Tonight”, she
gave a very, very special gift to
When she sang,
“Yes, you’re lovely, with your smile so warm, and your cheeks so
soft, there is nothing for me but to, “LOVE YOU”,
(pointing at US TWICE for those 2 words,) finishing
“and the way you look
tonight.” That
made the trip all worthwhile. |
thanked the audience so much for coming to see her, and grateful and
touched by their ebullient presence with tears in her beautiful blue
eyes, left the stage with the audience in the palm of her hand,
cheering and shouting, then came back for a very special encore of
She dedicated it to her loving husband
and sang to him, then encouraged the rest of the audience to finish
singing the words along with her, which we did. When she left for
the last time, all of the audience was on their feet, and everyone
knew that they had seen a very special happening, a reawakening of
Lynda’s role as a singer for her thousands of fans and the rest of
the public. We stayed in the
Plush Room
to introduce ourselves to
Johnny Harris,
and to thank him for so kindly allowing us to interview him for
in 2003.
We met his lovely wife
and got some pictures before they had to leave and join Lynda and
her family. |
In the
lobby afterwards buying posters, we talked about nothing but Lynda
and how marvelous she had been.
Scott Stander,
Lynda’s manager on this show, was introduced to us, telling us that
he had been trying to get Lynda to resume her singing for the past
10 years. We agreed that is was worth the wait! Then we were drawn
to a commotion that signaled that Lynda was coming out to leave. She
had piled her lustrous hair up again, and wore a long white
embroidered coat as she slowly walked along the hotel corridor,
thanking fans, signing and posing for pictures, with
in tow as they were
heading for their limousine and dinner on the town at
Then suddenly Lynda was in standing in front of us, and leaned in
close and said in low voice that only we could hear,
stealing our hearts forever!!! Then, unfortunately breaking the
mood, a fan next to us offered a pen to her to sign the Wonder Woman
t-shirt he was wearing. She gamely muttered
“I can’t believe I’m
doing this”
while signing it, then dotted his belly with an ! The magical night
had come to a Very Happy Ending, but there was still a promise of
many more nights to come! |
The next
evening we were second in line at 5:00 pm, and talked with many more
fans, some of whom had come from locations as far as we had. We met
Terry Lee,
Robert Mycroft
and many
others, and as we waited, the hotel lobby doors opened and in strode
Lynda with notes in hand, wearing a black coat and light green shirt
slacks, hair piled up again with her Ipod earphones plugged in. She
greeted us with
“Hi Guys”
and opened the doors to the
Plush Room
and walked in, signing
a picture for Robert first. When the doors opened we sat farther
back along the side to let other fans experience the wonder of her
beauty and voice close up. But after the show opened with
“Deed I Do”,
Lynda shocked the audience and apologized for any upcoming mistakes
by telling us that someone had stolen her music she left on the
stand the evening before. Obviously hurt and upset that anyone would
have done that, Lynda still gave a performance that again brought
down the house. She was wearing a similar black taffeta skirt with a
white shirt, but this shirt had a squared, more open front, and
after she sang
“Fever” she sat
back, took a Kleenex and did her old trick of mopping her brow, neck
and...everything else to the delight of the crowd!
were again in the
audience, and Lynda took a moment to introduce her beloved son, her
first-born, by saying that he was the reason that she had stopped
singing. However, since he was off to college, she thanked James for
letting her resume the singing part of her career, and he yelled out
“I Love You,
Mom!” to the
cheers of the audience. Towards the end, Robert Mycroft asked her to
sing “Toto”
from her
album, and though she apologized and said that her band didn’t have
the music, she did sing the first two lines to his and the
audience’s delight. As she walked off the stage and passed us, she
put out her hand and took one of ours and held it as she went by.
Because this was Robert & James last evening in town, she couldn’t
stay to talk to her fans, but we understood. As she has said many,
many times before, her family comes first. And why shouldn’t it? |
evening there were no obstacles to the show like stolen music, and
again the show was fantastic. Our man in Los Angeles,
Frank Ewing,
who had covered the
“Pirates of the
premiere for us last
with his friend, joined us early in line with
David Johnson
and we watched
together as Lynda came in the lobby and went to the elevator to go
to her room. When the doors opened Frank sat in the place of honor,
right in front of Lynda, and later said that he was just stunned
again to see how beautiful she was. She wore the white silk shirt
with billowy sleeves and black top she had worn at the
premier, her hair always loose and flowing over her shoulders. David
sat to Frank’s right and had his picture disc lying on the table,
and between songs it caught Lynda’s eye.
“Oh My Gawd, they only
made a few of THESE”
she said and he handed
it to her to show the crowd.
“When my son saw one
like this,” he
said, “Mom, you
made a…..vinyl?”
Lynda said, and everyone laughed. Frank had a copy of her
on a CD, and he handed it to her, and she proudly showed the crowd,
and Lynda was very touched when Frank told her she could keep it.
She also mentioned how proud she had been of her son the evening
before, when he called out to her
“I Love You, Mom”,
and she had to wipe the tears before she could sing again. Lynda’s
allergies were acting up that night and gave her a migraine
headache, and because of that she could not stay and greet her fans.
She was dabbing at her nose more and more during each and every
night, but the migraine did not diminish her show in any way
whatsoever. From the way she performed, you could never tell that
she was feeling ill, what a game and wonderful trouper, and each
night the show went on! |
evening, our last in town,
Paul Corsi
joined us and sat next to stage. There was something different in
the Plush Room
that evening; a large camera was set up in the back to film the
show, and Lynda gave another fantastic performance, interacting more
than ever with the overly enthusiastic crowd. There were more cries
of “Yeah Baby”
and "You’re
Fantastic” from
the fans in the audience. At one point she was talking about going
to Las Vegas when she was 17 to headline at
Caesar’s Palace
and made $300 a
“That was a lot of money, then,”
she said.
“That’s a lot of money
now” replied
someone from the audience, and Lynda said in amazement
“you know, this is
like being in my living room. Do you guys want to come back with me?
Ahhhhhh, my goodness…shut Up!”
and the crowd laughed even more. When she mentioned that she had
just done
as “Mama
Morton” in
she introduced
Rita Moreno to
the audience, who had starred in the play back way in the 1970’s
when Lynda was playing
"wonder woman".
Joe Bologna
and Renee
Taylor, the
next act to play in the Plush Room were also in the audience to see
her, and all were applauded. |
After that
magical performance, we were invited back to the green room by Lynda’s
manager to talk to Lynda and hopefully get some pictures.
came back also and praised
Lynda’s performance. Lynda was very touched by the comments,
“I’m so grateful that you
were able to come, oh, you guys are fabulous”
she said. We were standing
by when Lynda talked to Rita, and when we agreed with Rita about how
wonderful Lynda was, Rita said
“and look at that face!”
Lynda replied “I
was so glad, so excited that you were able to come, it’s been 20 years
since I sang on stage, and you know Rita, what I’ve found, it’s so
interesting, putting yourself out on the line again, in that thrilling
thing, you know?”
“I have to tell
you, your selection of songs were just great,”
Rita said. Lynda introduced some members of her band,
Andrew Higgins,
Jim Zimmer
Josh Workman
to Rita, and everyone
praised their work.
was able to get some pictures of that marvelous backstage meeting, and
Lynda and hugged and patted our back in gratitude of our attending her
first performance in 20 years. When we told her we had to return home,
she said “oh,
thanks so much for everything, for coming all this way,”
and we assured her that we would be attending many more of her
marvelous, marvelous performances in years to come. And of course, it
had to happen; as we were about to leave, Lynda heard a commotion behind
her and turned and gave her famous
when she saw a African-American woman had come into the room dressed in
a Wonder Woman costume.
“Look at you! Trust me, my
hips were never that little. I can’t believe you did this”
she said in amazement and posed for pictures with the woman. |
members of
were present for the last 2 nights, and said that each and every
fantastic performance only matched the success of the first four. While
she was always not able to greet her fans afterwards,
Chris Cooley,
who has a certain superheroine tattooed on his right arm was lucky
enough to have her sign it.
has also learned that Lynda’s week of intimate cabaret show set new
records in the Plush Room, who had seen many, many famous celebrities
like Bette Midler
and Kitty Carlisle.
The shows sold out faster than any others, and because of this, Lynda is
about to embark on a tour of jazz and cabaret clubs across America, as
well as record a new album of standards later this year, and perhaps a
of her will also be
available soon from her week in
San Francisco.
We wish All The Best Of Luck for Lynda in resuming her singing career,
and keep watching
for news of her next appearances! |