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Date and Issue: August 17, 1976.
Pages: Small insert.
Pictures: None.
Article: Brief article about bloopers on Wonder Woman.
Author: Not stated.
Country: USA.
Doris Kricak of Toronto, Canada, hos won $50 and a T-shirt in our TV Blooper Contest for spotting o goof on the April 21 episode of The New, Original Wonder Woman. A total of 18 other readers also spotted the blooper — and all have won a T-shirt bearing the words: "I'm a Notional Enquirer TV Blooper Spotter!" You can win cash AND a T-shirt, too, if your entry is published. When you spot o goof on TV, write us about it, being sure to include the name of the show, network, and dote of telecast.
If more than one reader submits the same winning blooper, the one whose letter has the earliest postmark will get the cash prize. In case of a tie, the prize will go to the person whose letter, in our opinion, is the best. Runners-up — all the readers who sent in the same goof — will receive o T-shirt, too. No phone calls or telegrams, please. Only winners will be notified. T-shirt sizes are: Children, small (size 8) medium (size 12), and large (size 161) Adults, small (34-36), medium (38-40), large (42-44), and extra large (46-48). To qualify for o T-shirt prize, send your size, name, address ond phone number, with your entry to: Bloopers, NATIONAL ENQUIRER, Lantano, Flo. 33464.
Wonder Woman performed a truly "wondrous feat" when she made her magic bracelets appear on her wrists — as if by magic!
Alert blooper spotters were quick to spot the goof on the April 21 episode of ABC-TV's "The New, Original Wonder Woman."
It happened when Wonder Woman went to the rescue of Maj. Steve Trevor, who was in a truck and about to fall off a cliff.
"To my surprise. when Wonder Woman changed into her costume. she didn't have on the magic bracelets which she always wears with it." writes this week's winner, Doris Kricak of Toronto. Canada.
"But moments later, when she appeared on the scene where Maj. Trevor was about to go over the cliff. I looked again at her wrists — and there were the magic brace-lets she had forgotten to put on before!"
When asked about the discrepancy, the show's producer, Doug Cramer told The ENQUIRER: "Your readers are right. It was an oversight on our part. Someone should have noticed that when she changed into Wonder Woman, she should've had on the bracelets. We were not paying close attention.
"Some viewers are just toosharp for us. Please tell them thank you for watching 'Wonder Woman.' "
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