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Date and Issue: Volume 9, Issue 22, October 30, 1979.
Pages: 5 pages.
Pictures: 3 color photos and 5 b&w photos plus the cover.
Article: Interview with Lynda Carter.
Author: Elsa M. Negrin.
Country: Printed in Panama for the whole Continent.
Winner of the Miss USA, Miss America and Miss World titles. Magnificent actress, singerm dancer and an excellent composer, Lynda Carter is adored by millions as TV's popular Wonder Woman. She's married to producer Ron Samuels and her marriage is one of the happiest in Hollywood. In spite of all this, Lynda was on the verge of a nervous breakdown recently.
Miss USA, Miss World, Miss America, Wonder Woman, singer, dancer, proclaimed by an English Jury as "The Most Beautiful WOman In The World" and by the International Bachelors Club as One of the Ten Most Exciting Women In The Planet. Holder of the Golden Poster Award, for breaking her own sales recors in 1978. One of the Ten Best Dressed Women in the World. All this mix of personal attributes and honors, gather in an unique and wonderful woman: Lynda Carter. Although her life seems like a novel or a fairy tale (even she's happily married with whom she calls her "Fantasy Man", Ron Samuels, also her agent), Lynda has a fascinating story to tell. In a beautiful room in her Beverly Hills house, equipped with a bar, TV, stereo sound, projection screen, and dominated by her favourite painting "Madonna and the Boy", a gift by her husband, Lynda speaks naturally about her life...
"When I was a teenager I thought I was ugly. Then I knew I was beautiful, but that same beauty made me felt lonely and misunderstood, since for most of them, this means to have a beautiful face and body, but without having in mind the capacity to love and think."
¿But don't you think that beuty influenced in yoru choice of career?
I always liked to sing. And before graduation I was singing professionally. I even made a tour as as singer in a band across the country. But that was exhausting. I've realized it was not the way. Nevertheless, beauty contest took you into fame.
Yes, I was chosen Miss USA, Miss America, Miss World, and then I was chosen among 2,000 contestant to star in the Wonder Woman series.
¿Is Lynda Carter the ideal "Wonder Woman"?
Honestly speaking, I don't think that anybody can make a better Wonder Woman than me. Besides that, I'm happy withe progresses of the series, in which I've collaborated with the scripts and making it more human... The message of the character... is feminist?
In a way, yes, I think in equal rights for men and women. The character helps me to communicate this idea. But Wonder Woman is above all a being who never loses her sense of freedom. And this is a very positive message for kids...
¿Is it true that you're planning to leave the series? Though I'm planning to make some movies, I wouldn't betray Wonder Woman. At least for two or three years I'm planning to continue on the role. ¿Don't you think that your success as a singer and dance would interfere in your career as an actress?
No, because my gola was always to cope music with acting. Singing and dancing, specially my own songs, gives me a deep satisfaction.
We all know that only consagrated ones like Frank Sinatra or Sammy Davis get to the Caesar's Palace in Vegas... How did it feel playing there?
About this I'm telling you a story only a few know. When I was 17 years old I played in Las Vegas I could never enter throughthe main door. It wa sthen that I promised myself that one day I would play there with my name on the marquee. Finally my dream came true.
What do you think of the attendance reaction?
I know they like my Brazilian samba, the Karate Song and otehr songs also were sensation. But the best was that the public in Las Vegas, which is very special, made a standing ovation. Ron was very happy.
¿How did you meet him?
Because of professional reasons. After talking with him for four hours in a restaurant. I knew I was deeply in love with him. Ron is my "Fantasy Man". That's precisely one of my songs and I dedicated it to him. Thanks to Ron I really feel a "Wonder Woman".
And waht about him, what does she thinks of you? I'm telling you something he said recently: "In spite sometimes she has some reactions, I love her more because of her virtues which everybody admire in her. I know I hold a woman who has the capability of loving, hating, laughing and crying spontaneously, and that's what gets me close to her." ¿Is fame important for you?
Being adminired by millions of people you don't know and having all kind of luxuries won't make you happy. Recently, in spite of alll this and Ron's love, I felt unhappy. I quit eating, sleeping. My friends thought I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown...
But you got better...
Yes, praying. I prayed God for help, to use me as his instrument and teh miracle occurred. In Christ I found what luxuries, fame, fortune and love couldn't give me.
It's strange to hear a famous actress telling this...
I know, but I say it openly... In my home-trailer where I rest during shootings, I have an image of Christ and in my car I have a sign which reads: "Christ is the answer".
After a break Lynda talks about the need of leading a healthy life... "I consider it basic for keeping the beauty of the skin, hair and figure. Though I don't follow a specific diet, I eat a lot of fruits, vegetables and proteins, and drink a lot of sparkling water and I never eat after six."
The actress dedicates some time for exrcising to keep in shape, but her focus is very personal... "I do ballet, swimming, and tennis, and not in a disciplinated way but for the pleasure of feeling alive". Considering her job in from of the cameras demands a lot of concentration and is sometimes exhausting, she tries to sleep as much as possible and meditates every day... "For me meditating is to purify myself from the interior..."
In her future plans Lynda plans to continue with "Wonder Woman", recording new records and filming movies for television. nevertheless, her dream is for her husband to make a special movie for her... "Ron's company has made serveral amde-for-TV movies and will do several more in the next few months. Until now all his productions wre highly rated when it comes to the audience. We share the dream that he would produce something special for me. "This way we would share the success." Y she continues saying "Thank God, none of us competes with each other and in a town like Hollywood, that helps a lot to keep a marriage withing show business".
In spite that Lynda and Ron are very busy with their jobs and attend a lot of activities, they make evrything to stay together as much as posisble... "We prefer to spend our free time in our own (even if I have to cook), instead of partying. We have a beautiful relationship. I wouldn't change my marriage for anything in the world".
Whena sked if she would like to have children, she said... "I love children y I'd like to have several ones, but that's not in our inmediate plans. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do when I have them, because I'm not seduced by the idea of leaving my job, since sometimes I work up to 14 hours a day... But without any doubts I deeply enjoy it..."
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