to reports. which have been denied by her spokesperson, Wonder Woman
Lynda Carter has checked herself into a rehab centre in a battle against
alcohol addiction. The Seventies TV super heroine and former Miss World
USA is said to have turned for help to Father Martin's Ashley Treatment
Center in Maryland (above), which once treated the late Michael Kennedy.
Checking in under the name Jean R' after New Year, the 46-yearold
actress is said to have felt nervous about being recognised, but
apparently revealed her true identity when the programme recommended
honesty. |
Friends say Lynda turned to drink following the death of a
close friend at the end of last year, but managed to keep her secret
habit hidden from her lawyer husband Robert Altman. 50, and her two
children, Jamie, ten, and seven-year-old Jessica. "Now I realise I've
been addicted to alcohol for years and I need help," Lynda is alleged to
have told a friend. "I can no longer deal with this terrible problem
alone." |