CARTER The new syndicated adventure series Hawkeye, about a brave
and beautiful frontierswoman and the mountain man who lights her
fire, will probably remind you of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman.
Certainly it'll bring to mind The Last of the Mohicans, the James
Fenimore Cooper tale on which it is based. Lynda Carter, who plays
heroine Elizabeth Shields opposite Lee Horsley as Hawkeye, will be
particularly happy, however, if it makes you forget for at least a
moment about Wonder Woman (1976-79), with which the former
Maybelline spokesmodel will forever be identified. |
"Pretty soon people
will look at me and say, `That old woman was Wonder Woman?' " says
Carter, 43, shooting Hawkeye, her third series (No. 2 was 1984's
Partners in Crime), in Vancouver. "But it's kind of fun to be
regarded as a cult figure. I could resent it and be miserable. Or
not. What am I going to fight it for?" |
What Carter did
protest, fiercely, were fraud charges first brought in 1992
against her husband, Washington, D.C., lawyer Robert Altman, for
his dealings with the scandal-ridden BCCI. "A year ago today was
our victory day," she says of Altman's acquittal, which cost the
couple $10 million in legal fees. "They tried to strong-arm my
husband and bring him to his knees." |
After a decade of
being a glamorous D.C.-based wife and mother of two, during which
time she kept Hollywood gigs to a minimum, Carter is pleased to be
on screen again, temporarily away from home and the whole
political scene. "Washington is an incredible city," she says.
"Interesting. Carnivorous." Compared with which, one assumes,
Hawkeye's 18th-century wilds are a civilized delight. |