Lynda Carter, who
starred as TV's Wonder Woman (1976 -79), will be cinched into another
snug bodice this fall for Hawkeye, a syndicated TV series set on the
American frontier. "I thought I'd lost Wonder Woman 15 years ago, but
here I am, back in a corset," says Carter, 43, who has also become
reacquainted with the misconception that she is married to Roger Altman,
the embattled deputy treasury secretary, who recently resigned. (Her
husband of 10 years, lawyer Robert Altman, was acquitted last year of
fraud charges in the BCCI scandal.) "When Robert was going through his
thing, Roger was a shining star, and people got them confused then,"
says Carter. "Now Roger's in the hot seat, and people are asking me if
that's my Robert. Mostly, though, people say, `Oh, I've heard all about
your husband. He's a senator, isn't he?' "