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Date and Issue: Volume 41, Number 8 / December 1979.
Pages: 4 page.
Pictures: 2 b&w photos.
Article: Article about Lynda Carter and her life and career as a born-again Christian.
Author: Jan Franzen.
Country: USA.
She's beautiful. She's exciting. Above all, today she is a believer. So how does Lynda Carter, TV's Wonder Woman, equate her spiritual stand with her film role? Here are her candid comments. An exclusive interview BY JAN FRANZEN
Lynda Carter, lead personality in TV's Wonder Woman, starred this fall in her own CBS-TV special, Lynda Carter's Special, and in The Last Song, a dramatic three-hour CBS telefeature. She has been described as exciting, dynamic, beautiful and talented.
Since winning the Miss World U.S.A. title in 1973, she has received many honors. The London-based International Academy of Beauty named her "The Most Beautiful Woman in the World"; Blackwell put her on his list of "The Ten Best Dressed Women in America"; Helene Curtis named her as one of "The Ten Best Tressed Women in America"; the International Bachelors Ass'n called her one of "The Ten Most Exciting Women in the World"; and George Gallup, in a recent poll, discovered that she was one of "The Ten Most Admired Women in the World."
These honors are all put into their proper perspective by the thoughtful Lynda, who identifies herself as a "Spirit-filled, born again believer in Jesus."
"I appreciate the titles ... but I don't understand some of them," she said in a recent Christian Life interview. "I don't dwell on them. It's great that people want to say nice things about me, but I'm not always sure how to react."
But Lynda, 27, did react to the questions we asked. Here are her answers.
Lynda, today you are very vocal about your faith in Jesus Christ. But this wasn't always the case, was it?
No. I was brought up in the Catholic church. But catechism didn't mean very much to me. There were three of us children, and we usually played hooky. We'd wave goodbye to our parents at the front door of the church, then walk straight through to the back. But somehow you learned that there is only one way to be saved, as the Bible puts it, and that way is through Jesus Christ.
When I was in high school, I began attending a group called Young Life, and I accepted the Lord as my Savior when I was 14. But I didn't know what the Spirit-filled life was. So I drifted away from Him. I tried Eastern religions-all sorts of weird things to find fulfillment. I really was a mess.
And no one tried to help you?
I was very disappointed in my Christian friends. And Satan used this as a wedge. My parents were divorced about that time, and I needed to help the family out. So I took a job singing at the Pizza Inn in Scottsdale [Arizona]. My friends didn't think the entertainment field was fitting for a Christian. I rejected that. I was rebellious. If it wasn't of the Lord, how come it had all worked out for me? Then I got a job in Vegas when I was 17, singing in the lounge of the Sahara. They didn't like that, either.
Do you feel any differently now about the viewpoint of your friends?
I still reject it. But now I respect what they believe. We all look at things according to our different backgrounds. And the Lord uses each of us in different ways at different times.
And I understand that the Lord used your sister Pam Cole to really help you spiritually.
Yes, God used my sister Pam as a vessel to lead me into a deeper relationship with Jesus through the Holy Spirit. I had been struggling. The Holy Spirit was really working in my heart. I didn't have peace. Or rest. I went through a real emotional trauma. But I had been afraid to commit myself fully to Jesus. I wanted to ... but didn't want to disappoint the Lord again. Then, too, everything was going well for me-my marriage [to Ron Samuels, her manager], my career. I didn't want to upset anything. You can be afraid of the silliest things! But Pam and I prayed-and the Lord met me. I was filled with His Spirit.
How do you define the Spirit-filled life, Lynda?
The power of the Holy Spirit in a Christian's life is what makes the big difference between being a nominal Christian and an effective one. Jesus left us the Holy Spirit when he went back to Heaven. "I will send you the Comforter," He said. The Holy Spirit turns all the attention to the Lord. For me, it meant a cleansing, an inner purging. And this continues through my prayer language. It is so fulfilling. It brings my communication with the Lord so much closer. Before I was filled with the Holy Spirit, I didn't know He could reveal things from the Bible. But He does. He makes truth more clear.
I'm sure that many wonder how you equate your spiritual stand with your Wonder Woman costume.
I was concerned about this ... and about the certain amount of idolatry connected with the program. But the Lord showed me that He would use the focus on me to turn the focus back to Him. For example, I would never have been interviewed so many times [Ladies Home Journal, People, many newspapers; other magazines], if it hadn't been for my role in Wonder Woman. And each time, I try to witness.... Wonder Woman is just a fictional character, of course. There is no person who is immortal in just that way. We are immortal in spirit and will someday get a new body.
How does your family feel about your new spiritual commitment?
My mother has now accepted the Lord, also some of her family. And my sister, of course. Spiritually, she is like a little fountain-she doesn't drench you, she just splashes you all over.
Are you involved in a church, Lynda?
I have gone to many. I don't have a lot of Christian friends, so I need the fellowship of a church. I now go to a Jewish synagogue, led by a Messianic Rabbi. He teaches from both the Old and New Testaments. This is the first time I've ever understood the connection between the two. It's beautiful the groundwork the Old Testament laid for the New, and the prophecies about the coming Messiah, Jesus.
How did you happen to choose a Jewish synagogue?
My husband is Jewish ... and a believer. He was never really involved in the Temple when he was growing up. His father was very religious. Ron is seeking ... and is interested. He just doesn't like most of the preaching on TV. But he goes to the Temple and Synagogue with me. Our Rabbi is identified with Jewish people. He lets them keep their Jewishness, so they are not threatened by losing their identity; their culture.
Is anyone discipling you, studying the Bible with you, helping you grow in your faith?
My sister, Pam. And I've gone to meetings with Joanne Flug, (watch for an upcoming story on this TV personality). Stunt people, too, like the Yerkes (see "Lights, Camera, Action-Then Pow," Jan. 1977), have been a great help to me.
How do you spend your quiet time with the Lord?
I used to get up at 4 in the morning. That was my "closet time." I'd get really involved with the Lord. When I don't get up early and read and pray, I really get spiritually thirsty. Ron and I always have prayer at home, before meals and at other times. And I do always try to get up early to spend time with the Lord.
I would love to be able to tell you that I am a perfect example of what the Lord wants. But I go back and forth in terms of my discipline. But the Lord always shows me the difference in my career, life, even my marriage when I'm not living as close to Him as I should.
Many of the articles about you and your life say that you are extremely ambitious. Is this true?
I don't know where people get these things. I am ambitious. But only in doing the right things. I steer away from violence, and from romance since I am a married woman. I try to do things that are positive. I'm into ecology. And I try to put a spiritual aspect into everything I do. I try to show what the reality of life with the Lord is all about ... that Jesus gives comfort, peace of mind and heart. I try to show the difference between living by faith and trying to do it on your own. We start thinking, "I'm going to do this for the Lord," instead of letting Him do what He wants.
How does this affect your career?
If He wants something else for me, He'll provide a natural transition. It will be right in my heart. There is no confusion in the Lord. He'll lead me where He wants. And that's what I want. I do not clutch my career. If He wants me to have children, and give up what I'm doing, that's fine with me. Or whatever.
How do people react when you share your testimony as a believer?
In some interviews I've tried to show what life is about ... and I've been misunderstood. In other interviews, I've not even mentioned my faith, but the reporter has asked questions to bring it out, and it's gone just great.
I don't know if I have a testimony. Mine isn't a "'revelation" like some people's: I told Pam, "I know the Lord is going to lead me, but I feel so unworthy." Then I remembered that when I was filled with the Holy Spirit, I was feeling the most unworthy of all. So God let me see that worthiness does not determine His blessing-or I'd never be blessed by Him. I'm a sinner. A repentant sinner. God saw my heart, and came into it.
That's where we all need to start. God draws us back to square one. We get so sophisticated spiritually. We listen to tapes and hear great preachers. We receive prophecies, speak in our prayer language, are ministered to-and get caught up in knowing so much. Then God lets us see that we need to get back to square one-to Him and His Word.
Do you have a favorite Bible verse?
Yes, I Corinthians 10:13-"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way of escape, that you may be able to bear it." God is faithful. I have stood on that so hard! So whether I've sinned with my tongue, or whatever, I claim His forgiveness through Jesus.
Now, Lynda, back to your reputation as being the most beautiful woman in the world. What advice would you give to other women who want to be prettier than they are?
You cannot have physical beauty without having inner beauty. God has made each of us special in her own way. God has blessed me with physical beauty. But I pray that what is in me will surpass what is on the outside. Women should count their blessings-their work, family, children. Changes in a woman's physical appearance start from the inside and go out. Anger and frustration show up on the outside. But the beauty of the Spirit of the Lord shines brighter than anything else-makeup, jewelry, beautiful clothes, or what have you. And the most important thing they can do.
That's to truly represent the Lord. Now, how about a rundown on your future plans?
Again-as the Lord leads. We are negotiating a new record contract, and I would like to have a provision in it that I can do a Christian album.... When we did my TV special, I was so blessed. The Lord really took me by the hand through the whole production. No quivering lips.... It was really representative of what I wanted.
The last song on the special was the oldie, "Always." It goes, "I'll be loving you always. With a love that's true, always." In my heart, I dedicated it to my mother. I thought when I was singing it, The Lord is saying that to us, "I'll be loving you always. " What a great God we have.
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