Ten years
after Batgirl (Yvonne Craig #1) flew into living rooms across
America, Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman cleared the way for the
next genertaion of superheroines. When ABC premiered the series
in 1976, the scripts drew upon the original comic book for
inspiration. Wonder Woman's alter ego was Diana prince, a World
War II spy who worked incognito for Navy intelligence. When the
network inexplicably dropped the top-rated show after one
season, CBS rushed in to renew and revamp it. Wonder Woman was
bumped-up to present day, embroiling Carter in dilemmas that
modern audiences could relate to. Whether roping bad guys with
her magic lasso or saving Major Steve Trevor, Carter made it
look so darned easy. How she scooted around without popping out
of her bustier, I'll never know. Those very same threads,
speculate insiders, could collect up to $28,000 at auction
-another testament to the Amazon princess' popularity.