women have been the major attraction of the last two TV seasons.
We just have to see series like "The Bionic Woman".
"Police Woman", "Charlie's Angels" and the
most recent "Wonder Woman". Regarding the beauty of
the stars of these series many think that the Lynda Carter, the
star of "Wonder Woman, it's the most spectacular, even
overcoming the superpublicized Farrah Fawcett. The success of
this young lady with a series similar to "Batman", had
awaken such an interest around her that the journalism needs to
request an interview with so much anticipation. After several
weeks waiting, we ask Lynda to resume her life instead of
interviewing her. |
was born in Phoenix, Arizona on July 24, 1952 and I'm the
youngest of the three kids of Colby and Jean Carter, my parents.
In my family nobody dedicated to show business and I wasn't
supposed to be the exception when I was studying at Arcadia
Titans High School. There I've been incited me to study singing
and dancing, and I took it so seriously that I ended up making
my debut as a singer at the Sahara Hotel in Vegas instead of
entering the University of Arizona. Then I toured during three
years singing throughout the country until I decided to take a
rest in Phoenix. My friends convinced me to enter a beauty
contest in my native city. I won and that moved me to enter the
"Miss Arizona" contest. I won again and I was invited
to participate on the "Miss World USA" contest. And I
won again! The In travelled to London for the finals and this
time I was defeated by a beautiful Australian girl. But all that
gave me a lot of publicity. This was in 1973, and that year I
moved to Los Angeles and I begun to study with Lieux Dressler
and Charles Conrad. But when I knocked the door of the big
studios they didn't take me very seriously. More than seeing the
actress they were asking me for my measurements... In other order
of things I let you know I'm 1,80 meters tall, I weight 63
kilograms, and my measurements are 94-54-92 centimetres. I better go on
with my story... One day the Witzer & Small agency
recommended me to the Burbank Studios to make a screen test.
They were looking for an actress for the film "The Fan
Club". I was rejected because I wasn't the right type but
Larry Gordon, the director, was impressed with me. Not long
after Gordon was recommending me to Doug Cramer who was looking
for an actress to play "Wonder Woman" on TV. He showed
him my screen test and they called me to hire me. I became this
way an overnight star." |