Date and Issue: December 15, 1980.
Pages: Small insert whithin the 4-page article on the Body section.
Pictures: 1 color picture.
Article: Small insert whithin the 4-page article on the Body section.
Author: Michael J. Weiss and Judy Gould.
Country: USA.
PEOPLE, December 15, 1980.
For years Lynda Carter, 28, kept fit by taking a variety of vitamins, but only recently got sytematic and serious about it. While working 15-hour days on a television special and a movie, she felt she needed and energy boost and quickly noticed a difference. She takes a combination of vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2 and calcium, manganese and iron. A month's suplly costs $ 16.95. In addition, Lynda devours bowlfuls of vegetables like radishes and celery.
© 1980 by People Weekly / Time, Inc.
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